Anybody Ever Hit a Buzzer-Beater Game Winning Shot?

Back in elementary school i hit a half court buzzer beater during recess

elementary school, good times
I was down in the 4th quarter in Madden 09, I went no huddle down the field and couldn't get out of bounds in time so I went no huddle again and made thegame winning td pass as time expired.
I missed 4 game winners haha. Then finally hit one to put us in the semi-finals felt amazing my swag was impeccable
We were down by 1 with 2.3 seconds left. The guy was up at the line shooting his second free throw. When all hope was lost, this happens

So I immediately knew I needed the ball in my hands

Told the coach to give me the ball and I wouldn't disappoint

So we devised the plan

We get the ball in bounce and I am immediately picked up

I do a little shake and bake and get him off me (pause)

BAM! the buzzer goes off and the shot goes through the hoop!

Never gonna forget that moment
i had one experience in second grade
. it was for a league championship(cyo basketball) and i hit the game winner after being down by 1 point with less than 5 seconds left. its an amazing feeling especially when all your teammateshoist you up in the air haha.
Made 2 of them in my life...great feeling

It's weird's almost like I don't remember what happened but just how it felt. Anyone know what I'm talking about?
This being NT, i expected at least 95% of dudes to have hit at least one game winner.
Never been an athlete but the BEST semi-competitive feeling I ever had was when I aced a stupid hard run on my sax. It was solo time. I had NEVER perfectedthis part of the score. And when the band dropped out and it was all on me, I NAILED that %*+#@
. I'm talking crazy 16th runs up and down. It lookedlike I was tickling my tenor, but I aced it
. __s clapped and everything. It was beautiful NT
Twice. I came off a screen and shot a three and made it. I felt like LeBron when he made that 60 minutes shot.


I got another one off an inbounds play, teammate threw it up and I caught it and yammed that ____.

ive hit a game winning 3 about three weeks ago....
it was a rep game,
we were up by 2, the other team had the ball,
they go down and somehow found a wide open guy in the corner, he hits the 3, everyone goes nuts!
there was like 8 seconds left, we didnt call a timeout, [because they were so shocked to have hit the shot(i think) and really didnt play d]
got the inbounds, dribbled down the court, and went to the corner, (the guy was giving me space)
and hit a fade away three FTW!!!!
not lying!

it felt like everything was in slow motion dribbling up the court, i knew where i was going becasue i already hit a shot from there, when i released the ballit just felt good coming off my fingers,
i felt like i could hit everything after that game....
now every shot i take, it feels like its going in!

good stories so far!
We were down by 7 with about 30 secounds. Hit a three, someone fouled the opponent 1/2 FT, hit another three , then someone had a steal, time out and then withabout 2 secounds to go, ball left my hand with 0,5 on the clock. Hit it, good feeling, I gotta say.
ive hit a couple. the one that was the craziest was when i was like 15 i was the player/coach of me and my friends YMCA team and we were down two with 1.9seconds left and had to go the full length of the court. i call a time out and draw up this play and it worked perfectly and the pass came into me and i caughtit at the opposite 3 point line and the center switched the pick and was running towards me and i shot it right over him and banked it in at the buzzer. thegym went crazy and i just stood there and shook my head while everyone went nuts and came running towards me. one of the best feelings in the world.
i hit a half court shot at the end of the 3rd quarter once...that's the closest i've gotten to a buzzer beater.
twice ... the first one was when i was real young and i was playing my best friends team at the time ... we were down one and i hit a shot from half court asthe buzzer sounded ... the ref waved it off and said no good BECAUSE THE BALL DIDNT GO IN THE HOOP BEFORE THE BUZZER SOUNDED! ... one of them intramuralleagues refd by a dad who didnt know $#++ about bball ... i threw a chair and everything and i was only 8 lololol ...

second one was in a cyo state championship in 4th grade ... i had 47 points and we were still down 2 ... i stepped back and drained a tre ball with 1 secondleft ... they inbounded the ball and dude got a 3/4 court shot off and made it, but the buzzer already sounded ...
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