Anybody Ever Use A Ouija Board??? Anything Happen?

Three kings explanation taken from reddit....
The whole ritual is a psychological experiment where parts of your subconscious are activated. To make this work the rules are necessary to provide a clear and doubtless string of events. When arriving at the chair in the dark and sitting down several things happen which influences our brains. The fan is giving a steady sound of white noise which creates a "nice background sound for the brain". This increases any sort of thoughts a little. Sitting and staring into the dark is boring for our brain so it will start to make up it's own **** to keep itself occupied. The flickering light of the candle creates dancing shadows in the mirrors which is fuel for our brain to create images. Fuelled by the white noise creating fan, the bored staring and the flickering light and the strict rules not to do anything else than sitting there you will drift into a meditative state where you will experience strange things. Having your safe item and a buddy as a backup is for keeping you comfortable and to make sure you will awake. Doing this alone would keep you longer in this state until you wake up on your own.
Science once again provides the W.

was reading some of these stories then i get up to go to the living room and the front door was open 
 i was so scurred bruh

da demons lurk
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Anyone play that charlie game that kids are playing over on twitter?
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I've bought one as a kid. But I was too scared to use it. My parents vanished it lol. I dont believe its anything other than a board game.
The WILD thing about it is it used to be sold in TOYS R US, and was marketed towards jids. I used to see commercials for it during WCW WORLDWIDE
If you're an athiest and use an ouija board, things can get very ugly. You will not be protected from the spirits unless you are Christian.
I used one in HS once.

Joint was legit moving on it's own.

I believe there's a darkness that surrounds me |I
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Hell nah. I'm an atheist but I'm open to the possibility of ghosts after an experience my friend had. Didn't have anything to do with an ouija board but I'll post it here anyway.

This was several years ago, one of my close friends was in a relationship at the time. He's a diehard atheist who refuses to believe anything supernatural, not even open to the possibility of it. His girlfriend lived in a fairly large mansion not that far away from his house. She had been complaining about weird noises when she was home alone but my friend dismissed it as her imagination. She also dismissed it as her imagination or natural causes such as the wind causing the wooden floors to make noises, doors opening, closing, ...

One day she calls my friend at around 10PM screaming in tears about how she was home alone and her piano started playing by itself it another room. She locked her room and barricaded the door and asked my friend to quickly get over there.

He hops on his bicycle and goes over there, calls her again to let her know he's there and she needs to come unlock the door. At this point my friend thought it was kinda funny and didn't really believe anything weird was going on.

They go back to her room and as he's calming her down, the piano starts playing again in another room. My friend clearly heard it as well. They locked and barricaded the door again and then they hear footsteps on the wooden floors. A few doors opened and closed. They stayed in that room until the parents came home several hours later.

Despite his prior beliefs, this event scared him so much he's now open to the possibility of ghosts existing. Before that he was about as skeptical as it gets. He actually broke up with her because he didn't want to go to that house ever again.

The girl has moved since then.
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So back in high school my brother and his friends bought something called the Friendship Circle from our local black market.  They bought it to reach out to his friends dad who died recently.  It was successful for them.  And it was a positive experience.  They knew it was real because the spirit revealed secrets only each of them knew.  Even counted the change in each of their pockets. 

When me and my friends decided to use it my buddy wanted to reach out to his brother who was murdered.  Weird things would happen in house even before we played and the spirit (not his brother) confirmed it was his brother still in the house making weird flashes in the house.   

We later used it again and my friend who thought was a joke decided to play and he was high and buzzed.  The instructions clearly said that anybody without a clear mind would be in danger but he forced to play.  While playing, the game kept telling me to stop the game by constantly hovering over Taurus (my sign) and STOP and the glass piece kept dropping on my lap, we were freaked out because when we asked to stop it still would not let us leave the game.  Later that night I get a phone call from my buddys mom and brother about how he looked posessed.  I go to the house and no joke all the electricity in their house was out and lights were flickering while the neighbors all had power.  Then my buddy is layed on the stairs with eyes rolled back looking like he was seizuring.  Dude had to get his priest to come in and do stuff to the house.  One of the freakiest things ive ever seen. 

After that we never played it again. 
I warned some NTers. Avoid it. It’s not a joke. If you don’t believe it, just buy it yourself. I can give you instructions on how to start it out and how to end the game/session.

Please avoid people.
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