Anybody Fear The Death Of Loved Ones?

Oct 8, 2003
I constantly think about it..Not me dying, but others, especially people I love. It always crosses my mind for some reason. It's like I have this paranoia of losing a loved one that causes me to always be thinking about how dreadful it's going to be going through it. I've never had somebody close to me die before but I feel like I'm mentally preparing myself for it, and I dread every second of it. It's not even about just people I love but even my dog. Anybody else like this or do I have a problem?

Edit - I changed the title because it's clear a lot of you responded based on the title and not what I said...
I used to think about this and cry all the time when I was in 5th grade (11 years old). The thought came back up in my head when I when a freshman (15 years old). I'm 17 now, and it doesn't scare me to the point where I cry anymore. Its just one of those things you learn to live with. You can't control what happens 
what is worse is realizing that there is nothing after this life. no more consciousness.
I think about death all the's almost like you're forced to with the media and all.

I don't fear death itself, but I do fear dying painfully.
i was thinking about this the other day it randomly came to my mind. - how silly and futile of us to fight the inevitable and fear the unknowable.

i'm strangely at peace with the IDEA of death. i don't know. of course if i lost someone close to me, i would be devastated, but not because of the whole DEATH part. i would just be mourning their absence from my life. I think it's because i think there is so much more after life.

"death is not extinguishing the light, it's putting out the lamp because the dawn has come" rabindranath

"the body is not a home but an inn, and that for only briefly" - seneca
i don't know if your supposed to think about death, but rather, you should think about life

like everything in this world, there is an equal and an opposite...

life is where its at, death is where its not

why think about the negative, when you can live the positive
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

I constantly think about it..Not me dying, but others, especially people I love. It always crosses my mind for some reason. It's like I have this paranoia of losing a loved one that causes me to always be thinking about how dreadful it's going to be going through it. I've never had somebody close to me die before but I feel like I'm mentally preparing myself for it, and I dread every second of it. It's not even about just people I love but even my dog. Anybody else like this or do I have a problem?
personally, it seems foolish to dwell on the inevitable.
%%%% happens homie, why live in fear of something you have no control over?

i dont mean to say that i wouldnt be on my knees if my momma were to die 

but why live day to day fearing that someone might run a red and crash into her on her way to work, or that she might become a casualty of some random bombing. there are a million ways that a life can be taken at any given time of day. hell, if shes working too hard she might even develop some type of stress-induced sleep apnea and die in her sleep
. but jamon dawgs, youre afraid every second of the day that someone dear to you might pass? 

IMHO thats not a healthy outlook on life, 

being mentally prepared is one thing, but dreading every second of it? 
yea I dont really think about it EVERYDAY but i mean here and there i do. I just dont like the idea of dying or people i love
To live in true freedom is to release all inhibitions
The fears of mortality must be forgotten; no longer living for death, no longer dying to live
Existence and nonexistence coagulating
Safety found through ignorance; shackling human individuality

-The Faceless, Akeldama
^your not going to quote that? Just saying.

Kuhui basically summed it up, even used the same emoticons I would have used.
My parents are getting older, and it's something that I've thought about. I've lost an acquaintance, a cousin and an uncle that I wasn't on good terms. All three people were close, but not in my life when they passed. So I've tried to see how people cope because like you OP, I just want to try to be ready. But in the words of others, just expect the unexpected, that's what I keep hearing over and over.

I don't think about death for myself in terms of will it hurt or not. I've come close to death about 3 or 4 times, and I wouldn't use the word scary, but it felt like it just wasn't time to go, so there was always some kind of way to get out of it.
Like Em said,

"I'm waiting for hell, like hell, $@*% I'm anxious as hell."

But nah. I embrace the fact that I'll have to kick the bucket one day. Just hope it isn't too painful... but hey, it won't matter in the long run right? Am I right? Ahhh, I'm just messing with ya
I'm not scared of dying.  I really don't care if I die.  I know my family and friends wished I cared.  I only worry about my family and want to know that they are ok.
Your fear of what will happen when you die will become irrelevant once you die. Might as well stop worrying about it now.
yeah, i'm def scared to die..i think the hardest part about it, is knowing that there is nothing after (obviously i'm not religious). Just completely losing the ability to have a simple thought or belief is gone. The thought of eventually being forgotten is unbelievably scary to me.
I used to. But, I've accepted the fact that it's 100% gonna happen eventually. No need to really worry about it. Just live everyday like it's your last.
I don't fear death and the reality of losing loved ones hit when my mom died. Its a part of life
I've always feared death.

My fear reached it's pinnacle recently. I have been fortunate enough not to experience, in my 20 years of living, someone dear to me passing away. So it's been on my mind a lot more nowadays. Especially after I finished a course on Developmental Psychology: Adult and Aging. The things I learned in that class just gave me goosebumps.
Scared to die?....No.
Scared of extreme pain and suffering?....YES!
I do think about the FEW people I have love for going away from here from time to time............not to the point of sprouting gray hairs or anything like that,but it does cross my mind.
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