Anybody Fear The Death Of Loved Ones?

ever since my ex girl lost her mother exactly a year ago its been on my mind constantly as well...the fear of losing a loved one
--I was scared before. NOt anymore. It will come eventually.
--I'm just unsure of the after-death. One of the greatest mysteries.
Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

the fear of losing a loved one

This is what i was referring to..It's obvious 75% of the people who posted in this thread didn't even read what I typed..
I don’t fear dying, I welcome it, death is the only way to escape this tainted world we live in. Ppl die every second of everyday, its nothing to really dwell on, take it for what it is, a vital part of life. No life is more meaningful than the next, and the same way no life is less significant than the next, so if we mourn and grieve for one we should do so for all, but that’s not the case, we mourn and grieve for those we've established bounds with, so its not so much the loss of a life that’s hard to deal with but the loss of a established relationship. But death cant take away what you’ve already gained, the precious memories will forever be with you.
I am not scared of dying I just hope I die quick and painless.As for losing a loved one, that's something um just going to have to live with. Loved ones come and go, but they aren't forgotten.
I don't necessarily dwell on the thought of death, but more of HOW I'm going to die. That runs through my mind from time to time. I used to fear it years ago after I flipped my car upside down into a ditch and crawled out without a scratch....then a few weeks later I lose two of my good friends (one that I've been close to since I was 10) to two separate car accidents. Just sticks in your mind and it's hard to shake off. But the more time you spend fearing the inevitable, the less time you're spending enjoying your life on earth now. It's short enough as it is, make the most of it while you're here.
I think a lot of people think that they are comfortable with death, but very few people truly do.

Death is one of those things where if you think about it rationally and with logic, it is so simple.

But when confronted with it face to face, an emotional response takes over all logic.

It's like crying at a loved ones funeral.  Sure, logically if one were to address it, death is the only imminent part of life.  Everyone dies, so why cry?  But a majority of people can't control themselves.  Your emotions take you to a place beyond rationale.

I probably fall within that category.
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

I think a lot of people think that they are comfortable with death, but very few people truly do.

Death is one of those things where if you think about it rationally and with logic, it is so simple.

But when confronted with it face to face, an emotional response takes over all logic.

It's like crying at a loved ones funeral.  Sure, logically if one were to address it, death is the only imminent part of life.  Everyone dies, so why cry?  But a majority of people can't control themselves.  Your emotions take you to a place beyond rationale.

I probably fall within that category.

^ That's probably the best response here so far.
After having several near death experiences (and losing several loved ones) it really gives you something to think about in retrospect every so often. However the closest to a near death experience, I've encountered was a pretty scary one. 

It's like the world is shrouded in complete darkness, you try to call out anyone to help you. But your voice is mute and only your fading conscious thoughts is what's barely keeping you awake. Then you can only see a faint light you try so hard to reach out for it, but it's barely at your grasp.  I almost gave up, until I asked if it was my time yet. There was no answer and it was scary, suddenly the whole world started turning brighter, with a golden light. All that bright energy materialized back into my surroundings and the people that brought me back to consciousness.

A surreal experience indeed.
i always find it funny that the people that have never lost a close one fear death the most

i have lost families members and friends

seen dead bodies

death is something i truly dont fear
OP, when did these thoughts start?

Do you have anxiety or panic attacks?

You may be suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or some other illness that has been triggered by something in your life. You may or may not be aware of this event.

Talk to your family about how strongly you fear their imminent death(s). They may be able to help you get to the bottom of this.

On the other hand, they could be totally clueless and you may have to seek professional help.

This way of thinking is not healthy. No one should have the thought of death domininate their thought life, as you say it does.
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

I constantly think about it..Not me dying, but others, especially people I love. It always crosses my mind for some reason. It's like I have this paranoia of losing a loved one that causes me to always be thinking about how dreadful it's going to be going through it. I've never had somebody close to me die before but I feel like I'm mentally preparing myself for it, and I dread every second of it. It's not even about just people I love but even my dog. Anybody else like this or do I have a problem?
just curious as to how old your are?
reason why i ask is because since elementary school i always thought about death. mostly what life would be like without my parents. not sure why a 5th grader would have those thoughts, but i felt like it paralyzed me from living. call it depression, call it paranoia, i don't know. but anyways, last year my grandmother died. she was the first family member that i knew personally to die (had aunts in the motherland i never met that passed etc). i was 29 years old and that was my first time i didn't fear death anymore. our family had all sorts of beef, and then it got squashed after her death.

you have to see it as a gift or a curse. what other species know from a young age they're gonna die? i had to literally face death in the eye, staring at my grandmother at her wake. and then being one of her pallbearers and seeing my dad cry for the first time in my life because he had to bury his mom. lesson i learned was, you gotta live your life right and keep it civil with your family. communication is key. my dad finally got to say what he wanted to say, but only at his mom's eulogy. i never cried so hard in my life man, i couldn't even see.
if you constantly got death on your mind, you must have a good balance with your thoughts and try to live right. all the beef ive had in the past with other people ive either squashed it or just straight up avoided them. i dont get angry hardly ever anymore.
Originally Posted by Ruxxx

Scared to die?....No.
Scared of extreme pain and suffering?....YES!

plus the actual wait for it
I used to, but then I decided I rather spend my time living life and it seems to be working for the most part.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

To live in true freedom is to release all inhibitions
The fears of mortality must be forgotten; no longer living for death, no longer dying to live
Existence and nonexistence coagulating
Safety found through ignorance; shackling human individuality

-The Faceless, Akeldama
I fear death for my love ones more so then myself. My parents are turning 60 this year. Even just as a reality, they have about +20 years more of living...and that is if they are lucky.
i worry about not being around for my family ... i want to be the one to have to deal with death instead of the other way around ... me and my girl talk about it from time to time how she would want to go before me so she wouldnt have to walk the earth without me ...
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