Anyone else getting Virus/Pop-Ups from NT?

I'm just curious if it is just me but for the past week or so, whether I use IE or FireFox, a virus keeps trying to download itself to my PC when I visitNT.
My Anti-Virus blocks it right away but it gets annoying to see a window pop up everytime I open NT sayign a virus was just blocked.
I also get a lot of pop-ups everytime I visit as well.

Anyone else having the same problem? Is this normal on NT?
No viruses, but I'm on an Apple most of the time. I do get full on page redirecting pop ups though, which really piss me off.
ive been havin the same exact problems for about the same amount of time and only when i visit nt
yea Mozilla caught NT trying to ATTACK me...i think it was some phising *+@*.. but i quickly refreshed the page, brushed my computer off, and did the damnthizzang
Whats weird is it happens more often at my CPU at home than the CPU at work.
I sometimes get the "Phishing" warning..
Count me in, too.

Sometimes a random program or somethin' will try to start running, and it will freeze my browser window.

Not pop up but sometimes if i try to come in general it will redirect me to the main page a few times this YUKU is on some BS
It would randomly pop up on me as well. This Yuku crap has been nothing but a disappointment.....
If this does happen to you, be sure to take note of what ads appear at the time. What was in our ad window and where were you redirected?

We need all the information we can gather in order to isolate the problem.
This has been happening to me lately too. My Symantec warning pops up and says a Blood Hound virus is trying to attack my computer. I can't remember whichads specifically caused it, but if it happens again I'll post it.
well my thread was locked but yea. this is beginning to be a problem. I have no viruses on my PC and thankfully my Norton catches all viruses and it happensonce in a while.

but thanks for making this thread RFX. I will use the handy dandy search tool before I make a new topic. that is, if my laptop isn't in the shop.

do something about that ''DUCK HUNT'' ad....that jank makes my computer freeze up

no virus detector ftl :/
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