anyone else here saving sex for marriage???

why the hell would you? because uneducated old people say it's thething to do? go out, live, enjoy life, and don't get sucked into holding views without thoroughly thinking them through.
I respect those that do and honestly wish I could have...but realistically that wasnt possible.
Like one friend of mine put it,
"if you give it all up now, what is there to look forward to when you get married?"
Sex is natural, why would I wait for something that I might not necessarily partake in.

I am all for waiting for the right person, but for marriage
I have to agree with the rest of NTers. The way I see it it is better to know what you will be getting for the rest of your life. Say you fall in love with achick and wait till your honeymoon to find out that she is horrible at sex. Even worse, you find out that your sex life is not improving and you are not happywith it. You are then going to have to make the choice to either throw away years of marriage/relationship or accept the consequences. To save yourself gothrough this painful process, go ahead and poke around.
Originally Posted by MikeSB

i swear to me it's kind of hard saving sex for marriage especially in high my friend is pressuring me to get some $%@+* before we graduate i hear about sex like everyday
what? haha
Sex isn't something that you are either good at or you aren't

If the sex sucks at the beginning of a marriage or the beginning of a relationship then you work on it. Simple as that. If you have to divorce someone becausethey aren't "good at sex" then you shouldn't have gotten married in the first place because you aren't/weren't reeady for thecommitment a marriage takes.

That whole "what if the sex isn't good after you get married argument" is ridiculous if you ask me.

I can understand wanting to experience differnt people through life and stuff like that but "what if she isn't good" is terrible logic.

Trust, there are people out here who have been having sex for years and they still aren't very good at it.
Originally Posted by Grand 0ld Party

sex is a vital part of a relationship. saving it for marriage is setting yourself up for failure.

Its only important if you let it be. I understand in the Western world this view is commonplace but if both partner are in agreement to abstain then thaterases it from relevance. Atleast, until marriage I suppose.
I am. If you can't wait, then you shouldn't be doing it. Unforunately, society has skewed our thinking to believing that premarital sex is nothing outof the ordinary.

Although this is severe, think of premarital sex as adultery. Eventually, that girl is going to get married, so aren't you having sex with someones futurewife?
Originally Posted by bkdan1

Doesn't have to be for marriage, but it should be something meaningful. More importantly, is should be something that when both parties look back, they won't regret it.
No way is it the same as adultery. I can't look at it that way. I didn't wait and I never regret doing it. If other ppl choose to wait that is up tothem and more power to them.
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