Anyone else noticing females becoming more and more "less taboo" regarding Sex?

I better start getting comfy in the kitchen then.....

maybe start learning how to cook

life in the kitchen might not be so bad, watch tv while I wait for the girl that will work all day long so I can go out and cop some Nikes

Wonder if it will get to the point where women approach men. Like ' hey boy can I suck a little off the top?' "Can you eat it?"
" What that stick look like?" "Suck ma juices"

some women just dont have respect for themselves...

i know a chic who's always complaining about being single and lonely on twitter, and as soon as a sex topic becomes a trending topic she spills all her business..

that's the good thing about some of the chics on twitter and can separate the good women from the jumpoffs by their status updates...
well in the bronx it seems like ever since nicki minaj popped the females started to +@@! off at an alarming rate. I think thats what "barbies" do
don't have a lil sis so i can care less just make sure yall dudes strap up
Sadly alot of females would rather have attention than respect. The younger girls will say/do anything to get these lil horn dog boys to like them just to one up the next chick that likes him. Its cool to do what you do but keep it between you and who you do it with.

I do think it's funny tho that a girl will post something on line and it will be quoted or retweeted with
's but then folks come here to complian. I do want to know where some of you got "respects herself and has morals" as a woman putting her p on a pedastal.
it is not surprising. these young girls' role models are who?? beyonce, rihanna, ciara, nicki minaj, gaga. not to mention the mother of all celebrity harlots, madonna.
both sex are going into the same direction but

the rate of women not giving a damn their virtues > the rate of men not giving a damn about their honor
Sex as a whole in today's world is just forcefully exposed, slandered, and sold.

Busting down chicks w/o the hassle is just one of the pro's that comes with it.

But sooner or later when its time to find that "one" or when daughters start floating around the condition of
the concept takes a turn for the worse.

Along with the re-unwinding of this social taboo, values and morals need to comeback along with it,
I love my women, and I want to seem them stand strong and be responsible.
Not weakened and used.

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Women are the new men.
Men are the new women.

I wouldn't go as far as to say this...
but the roles are def being skewered.
These are signs of a society that has been broken and is psychology confused.
The stature of being a Man or a Woman is something that can actually be achieved by
the opposite sex in today's world.
In the psychology of today's society...
Masculinity is measured by image,wealth, and indiscipline.
Feminism is measured by victimization, insecurity, receptiveness of sexuality.
This just goes to show you how out of whack we are.
Originally Posted by DiPlOMaT007

Originally Posted by Food4Thgt

Girls just don't have morals anymore ...
 , unlike most guys on here i do want a wife one day and its slim pickings and only getting smaller 
yea findin a good girl is like winnin the lottery and gettin attacked by a bear on the same day..well maybe not that hard but all i see is skeeterlegs around my town
It's like they feel like they've been pigeon holed into that double standard of men/women when it comes to sex...that they're on some rebellion !!%# right now. and Sorkoram stay talkin about this %%! on Twitter and BBM...these chicks out here @@%$@$*! it up...they cant accept the's not even that they out here having's that they're either messing with dudes who air them out...or they try to use sex as a substitute for love.

that's the good thing about some of the chics on twitter and can separate the good women from the jumpoffs by their status updates...

true story
Originally Posted by tim teufel

i remember the days of playing with a womans emotions  hitting it and never calling her
now it seems like they dont even care
its like they ruined the fun factor of completely degrading a woman cause they degrade themselves

Originally Posted by tim teufel

i remember the days of playing with a womans emotions  hitting it and never calling her
now it seems like they dont even care
its like they ruined the fun factor of completely degrading a woman cause they degrade themselves
Originally Posted by Frische Produkte

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Women are the new men.
Men are the new women.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]For the most part. This is true.[/color]
I went to the thread that went something like "NT How often do you approach females"
"Dudes were saying they often never approach, They rather be approached"

I could go on but

Girls/women do have morals, they just aren't the morals you expect, and you are to much of a women to change tame her.
Most girls I know have high morals and high standards when it comes to the way they conduct themselves. I don't know where you are picking these girls.

Translation: They put their own #@@!% on a pedestal and expect dudes to dance for them. I don't want anything to do with those types of chicks or the loose type, but there are very few of any other type.

The problem is finding a good girl that looks good too
not trying to sound shallow....but girls are like a parking lot, all the good spots are taken early...and now a days if u want a good girl u gotta park in the waaaaaay back where no one wants to be but sometimes the nice cars are parked there because they dont want to be touched, so u gotta do work to find those but have to keep in mind that your gonna be walking alot further to get out thereee
The evolution of mankind .... Women are treated differently by society now than say 20 yrs ago... They are a bit more
liberated and have more rights than b4... Shortys always wanted to pop off but the backlash used to be crucial...
I still want to know how morals and respect equals putting their own P on a pedAstal. What is the in between for you guys where shorty respects herself but isn't stuck up about it?
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