Anyone else watch almost ZERO television? I think I'm at 1 hour or less per week

Jan 5, 2003
Between college classes and homework, coaching, intramurals, music, and announcing, I'm just too busy. If I have free time, I easily pick the internet over TV.

4Chan, NT, a Packers forum, ProFootballTalk,, Newsmap, Facebook, and a few other sites give me all of the news/entertainment I need. The only time I watch TV consistently is when the Packers are playing... also sometimes when I make a meal and sit down on the couch, I'll watch strictly ESPN.

I'm not sure what it is... I used to like TV a lot and could channel surf for hours. A big change was when I could start watching seasons of shows on DVD/torrents... that took away like 75% of my TV need.

Anyone else pretty much give up the tube?
I watch all my shows online now... Only time I really use the TV is if I'm having company and need a bigger screen for my 360.
i never watch tv. I'll catch an episode of a few tv shows on the weekend online or something but that's about it.
Basically the only time i'm watching TV is when i'm about to fall asleep at night and when a few select shows are on. I'd probably say about 10 hours a week.
I cancelled TV about two years ago and the only thing I really miss is the NFL and some Discovery Channel programs. Television sucks in my opinion, although I do watch a lot of movies and some TV shows through Netflix. 
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

I use it as background noise a lot, but actually watch tv?  Probably only a few hours a week.


years of no cable/dish made me immune to television addiction.

you can only watch so many andy griffin reruns until you'd rather jump off a bridge.
My TV's on almost all the time i'm home, i usually sleep with it on.

I'm used to it. There's usually something to watch each hour
I've always been a tv watcher, from when I first get up in the morning to before I go to bed at night.
I haven't watched TV in three days. For me classes, homework, NT, cell phone forums, twitter, hooping, and reading occupies most of time. 
Only thing I watch on TV is my favorite sports teams. Everything else is a severe waste of time.
Hardly watch tv now. I find out whats going on, through here most of the time, or constantly finding better things to do than watch the television.
tv was my childhood though.
It was a college thing for me, too much going on to ever get wrapped up in TV.

Now, with a profession and a daily routine and schedule of events, i'm back on tv more than ever.
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