anyone else watching this ridiculousness? boston vs ny

henz0 wrote:
Didnt a knick get quoted the other day saying they feel kno1 can beat them right now

Yeah, Q-Rich.

And he asked what the big deal is with the Celtics, something like, "I don't know why everyone's crowning them the Eastern Conferencechamps."
who was that one Patriot that said something like, "You know what's a disgrace? Being paid for a game like that. It's a disgrace that those guys we just blew out are going to go up their owners like, 'Yeah, pay me for that game I just played.' That's a disgrace."
thats a good quote...

and got damn, its a wrap for Zeke after this one...
@ TNT just letting Kenny, Chuck, and Ernie take over the commentating for a while, to keep it entertaining.

This is UNREAL. A margin that's more than your opponent's point total.

And they've only scored 49 points... This game is almost over!
hahahaha man, the commentators are straight comedy too.

how are you gonna put up 49 points halfway through the 4th?
Ya know, I still maintain that I'm waiting until Boston beats someone (particularly out West, which generally won't happen until March), but this is anasswhoppin
Have the TNT studio crew been commentating the whole game? Or did TNT just say "F it" and gave them control of the game?
"On paper, they're a really good team with guys who can really play, but they still have to get on the court and do it," Marbury said. "Chemistry is everything. We look good on paper, too, and we have a year under our belts.

"I'm not thinking about Boston," Marbury added. "I'm only thinking about the New York Knicks. Our new nickname is nice and nasty. That's how we're coming."

"It's not that big a deal to us," Richardson said of facing the 11-2 Celtics. "It's like the media makes more of The Big Three and all of them. We're not in awe of them. They ain't won no championships. They have a good record right now, but that don't matter. Dallas showed that [last season]."

"They're not that deep of a team," Richardson said. "After those three, there's a significant dropoff."
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