Anyone ever bought those Roses that lasts a year?????

Dec 14, 2004
I've seen the roses that last a whole year and sometimes two years. I'm wondering if anyone has ever bought them and is familiar with sites and prices. I found a few sites but I think the prices went up since last time. If anyone has recommendations or info, let me know.


I have debated this. My main hangup with buying flowers is that they're essentially a perishable and it's just a waste of my money.

The single rose was 40$ though that's OD.
OP tell your girl that aging and death is part of life and beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Then buy her regular beautiful roses that last a week or two.
I think edible arrangements are too high, that **** there, is a definite no-go.
Damn, I'm cheap as **** but y'all taking cheap to a whole new level. Trying to buy my girl some flowers that last 12-24 months. They look real nice in the pics.
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