Anyone ever visited a psychic?


Jun 10, 2013
Anyone ever visit a legit psychic before?

i did about 5 years ago.

been thinking about going again to see about some issues im worried about that are very serious in my future.

the first one i saw told me some wild **** that hit the nail on the head.

things about my past.

she also went on to mention how my future would be.

she said 3 things that stuck out to me.

2 of which have come true

1. an issue with my ex gf from back that and how we would break up.

she mentioned that someone with the letter J would be the reason why we break up.

whole time im thinking its gonna be a dude and this shorty is gonna cheat on me

it wasnt. it was her girlfriend whispering bs in her ear and convincing her what to do.

i wont get into the dramatics of what she did to me bc of this friend of hers. 

it hilarious though.

2. she also mentioned that i would be having a kid at 26. im 26 now.

bout to be 27 end of this month.

this last year ive mad some bad judgement decisions that had me asking myself if maybe a few chicks had kids by me and didnt tell me or didnt pop the morning after pill after i bought it. lol.

come to find out, i did have a kid.

long story short, the chick lied to me about the abortion.

i just found out 2 months ago. hit her on wednesday when i finally had the chance to....

i find out she had the kid but the kid passed away.


wont get into the details about that either but im looking at it as karma since this chick lied to me and did some other dumb ****.

sad a young child had to die tho. =*(

she also told me that my future would be successful and id be a well known person.

she went into details but i wont get into that either.

now im going thru some serious legal **** at the moment and am thinking maybe i should hit one up and see if 

1. they mention anything the last one did.

2. what they have to say about my future.

share your stories

or ask me questions.
i went to a medium a few years back......paid her 100 cash

i def believe she has a it seems my life has fell into place the way she said

ill come back with more details later because i gotta make a run
I'd honestly rather visit an actual therapist

i was much younger back then, honestly dont think id ever do it again but it was a really interesting experience..............kinda creepy because a lot of the things have fallen into place/coincidences

reason why i would not do it again is it takes the life out of life......get what i mean?
**** isa therapist gonna go in terms of enlightening you about your future?


im my own therapist. i learn from my mistakes.
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I probably would for kicks and giggles but I don't want to waste my money if I don't take it seriously. 
i sort of want to but on the other hand i want to control my destiny, not have her tell me everything that may happen...
Went to one a few years back in the bronx, Crazy how alot of what she said was actually taking place and about to...
My uncle did some astronomy BS and most of what he said turned out true 4 years later.
My uncle did some astronomy BS and most of what he said turned out true 4 years later.

her name was Jean Loomis

actually i lied, i dont think she was a psychic

i went under hypnosis..............

at the time i was super stressed then also we did some astronomy stuff, i dont understand how the stuff she told me worked out then lol
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I would like to know what the future has in store has for me but I can't shell out the cash to know :lol:
Wtf a lot more than a person who claims to have psychic powers

***** this ain't X-Men
the point of seeing a psychic is not for them to do something for you tho.

its to enlighten you on the future.

a therapist is going to analyze your past and help you do something about the negatives that may prevail in your future.
Went to one, with my GF at the time, she was getting the reading. Hit my GF wit the some ole "some you love is betraying your trust" :x

I dunno if I was more shocked at the psychic throwing me under the bus like dat, or the fact that she was absolutely right :lol:

I made a scene, called ole girl a scam artist, and ran outta there :smokin
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Went to one, with my GF at the time, she was getting the reading. Hit my GF wit the some ole "some you love is betraying your trust"

I dunno if I was more shocked at the psychic throwing me under the bus like dat, or the fact that she was absolutely right

I cause a scene, called ole girl a scam artist, and ran outta there

Never visited a Psychic before.  I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious about what they'd have to say, but I wouldn't spend the money on it.
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