Anyone ever went skiing and/or snowboarding?

Jun 1, 2008
I'm going to Shawnee Mountain this upcoming weekend and would like a little insight and tips on what to expect from both activities. I'm choosing to do skiing. Also, how is it at Shawnee Mountain? Good or bad experience?
shawnee is a small mountain. perfect for beginners, but just beware it will be crowded on the weekends. i havent been to this particular mountain in quite sometime.

i snowboard, never skiied...any reason you chose over the other?
Going snowboarding at Big Bear this weekend

Expect to fall a lot but I promise at the end of the day you will pick it up. Start at the bunny slopes first. Bring snacks! You will work up an appetite. Beef jerky is the way to go. Other than that have fun!
I've decided to go snowboarding instead. Everyone else is snowboarding in my group and I don't want to be the only one skiing 

Thanks for the advice so far guys.
snowboarding is the way to go! Hopefully in the summer i can pick up a board and go with the guys..i miss it
If you're going snowboarding, your legs will be killing you the next day. If you've ever skateboarded, powerslide to'll thank me later.
Went snowboarding once. Expect to fall alot even with prior board sport experience
Originally Posted by office the

nothing better than smoking while up on the mountain

I once had an apres-ski spliff and the tobacco kept me awake and sharp for the montane sunset and the kush made the evergreens even more magical. Combined with some Uygherstani music on my iPod it made for one fantastic sunset and it made me conjure up images of the rare wealthy denizen of the Hindu Kush during periods of its even more uncommon periods of peace.

As with all sports, I prefer to be sober (unless you count caffeine as a drug) for any athletic undertaking and the only exception involves the ski slopes. Along with copious amounts of water, a mini flask of peppermint schnapps, helps to fortify me against the cold and make more daring on the tougher slopes.

It also does not matter how generally well conditioned you may be, ski newbies will feel a burning in every muscle and tendon from the navel to the feet. Use hot tubs liberally while enjoying a weekend on the slopes.
i suck at skiing....

i'd probably suck at snowboarding....I definitely suck at skateboarding.....
Used to snowboard all the time. A car wreck pretty much put the brakes on that. Really been thinking about getting back into it though.
I go every couple years to Flagstaff, AZ to snowboard and it is a lot of fun. If you have any skating experience it will help you out. Expect a few bruises and sore legs by the end of the day. Have fun out there
haha checking in here. My advice is do not snowboard. You're butt, back and wrists are gonna be mad sore in the morning from falling and getting back up.
The slope knowledge is that skiing's easier to learn, but harder to master. It's a much more natural stance for balance. The only bad thing, is if you're the only skier in your group, you'll be waiting for your friends a lot cause they'll be flopping aruond like fish outta water trying to get back up.

Good luck
I am from Colorado and have been snowboarding for years. Best time of your life. Well after the first two times going. Once you are used to it, its a blast. But you will be sore in places you didnt know existed. Nothing beats a Friday on the mountain.
Just got back from Breck actually. Skied two days. Powder was an absolute joke. Shrubs, trees, rocks...all that was visible. You gotta be pretty aware of what you are doing right now because of the lack of snow or you could really hurt yourself. 
Tips, advice:

If you have never done either its much easier to ski first. Snowboarding/skiing is tough but if you have a good teacher you will pick it up. Double up your socks, wear knee high socks. Nothing in the world more uncomfortable then ski boots. Boarding boots are much more comfortable. No matter how bad it goes the first day you gotta come back for the second or you probably never will. If you are going boarding wear a helmet. For real. Especially if this is your first time going.
i want to go snowboarding before i kick it, would love to get good enough to do flips and grinds, cool boarders ftw
If no one in your group is willing to give you a snowboarding lesson, just start slow. It takes a lil getting used to the fact that your feet are strapped down and at a bit of an angle. When you're losing your balance you wanna naturally move your feet to regain and can't so it takes a few falls to get the hang of it. If you a fairly fit person you'll pick it up. When you fall you gotta put the snowboard in front of you and like reverse squat to get up. Skiing is fun too, but you lose control kinda easy, when I was 11, I did the bunnyhill for 2 passes thought I was ready, rode up the mountain dolo, and came flying down, ended up going out of bounds thru some trees down a small embankment and into a creek. I had to get rescued, all soaking wet, very embarassing. My dad clowned me the entire car ride home.
I snowboard. I consider myself a beginner/intermediate. The first day was a pain but after like 2-3 hours of falling I finally learned my balance. Doing a toe turn afterwards will probably be the next hardest thing to learn. After that it gets really easy. But you will hurt a lot after the first day. You could really hurt your tailbone if you fall the wrong way! I had pain for about 4 months one time anytime I made quick sharp movements when I was playing ball after one bad spill. Other than that enjoy. But I would be careful now because like others said, there is very letter base snow on trails on the East Coasts due to warm weather and zero to none snowfall. If you're renting then w/e, but if you have your own board then you could really damage it.

Sucks that I won't be able to go this season due to a serious ankle sprain that I suffered 2 days ago. Hopefully I can rehab it so I could go by the end of February, but who knows.
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