Anyone not doing anything for New Years?

My nights taken a strange turn of events. Parents letting me sip, thanks to my uncle for convincing them.
"how'd you like to go back to school and tell your friends you had someDom P?"

I went out ot a 5-hour, 15-course French dinner with my parents for New Years. SUPER FUN!

Going to bed soon since I'm on a ski vacation and I want to get up early. Last year I partied hard and I'm sure next year I will too, it's not abig deal not doing anything for one night.
I was about to go to a house party and can still go as of right now, but I'm gonna rest up and spend the day with my parents and brother tomorrow.
I didn't do a damn thing. I went running on my treadmill for about 30 minutes. I finally finished and went upstairs with the rest of my family by 11:56.Hugged them all and said Happy New Year sweaty as hell haha. At least we had some good honey baked ham waiting to be devoured.
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

I went out ot a 5-hour, 15-course French dinner with my parents for New Years. SUPER FUN!

Going to bed soon since I'm on a ski vacation and I want to get up early. Last year I partied hard and I'm sure next year I will too, it's not a big deal not doing anything for one night.
15 course dinner? Damn son, list them up. I have a hard time eating a typical 3 course meal, lol.
got home at 9 and decided to take a nap before i "left"
woke up around 2:45am and see my phone was on silent with mad voicemail
...happy new year everybody
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

I went out ot a 5-hour, 15-course French dinner with my parents for New Years. SUPER FUN!

Going to bed soon since I'm on a ski vacation and I want to get up early. Last year I partied hard and I'm sure next year I will too, it's not a big deal not doing anything for one night.
15 course dinner? Damn son, list them up. I have a hard time eating a typical 3 course meal, lol.

Tasting menu paired with wine. Tiny, tiny portions. Too tired to list them up, but just as an example one dish included caviar in a shot glass, another wassome unidentified food turned into foam and served atop a block of ice instead of a plate. It was a weird dinner.

Edit: Damn, there goes the going to bed early part. Oh well.
maybe when i was younger i would go out

nothing special, just another day to me
Just me alone while my family is at relatives house. I got off work few hours ago and I'm beat. Gonna relax and watch Eagle Eye on blu-ray. Let's seewhat 2009 will hold.
Still chillin' at home. Hopefully I can party next time. I think 2009 will be a good year for me.
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

I went out ot a 5-hour, 15-course French dinner with my parents for New Years. SUPER FUN!

Going to bed soon since I'm on a ski vacation and I want to get up early. Last year I partied hard and I'm sure next year I will too, it's not a big deal not doing anything for one night.
This guy needs a reality show

You're always living the dream
Interestingly, I went to a party with all of my friends at home. Interestingly, my parents did not call me to ask about being out so late. Overall, I'mwaiting to see what good this year has to provide.
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