Anyone own their own restaurant??

Although I'm not feelin that ringer system, I love their idea of barhopping with the sitdown and the anju.  Having some type of food in your system and food readily available late night drinking prolly lessens the hangovers since you got somethin besides alcohol in your system. Even though we got Denny's for that they don't serve alcohol there.  And I'm lovin that whole bathhouse/hostel/bar where you can drink, chill in the spa or sauna, and even take a nap lol.  They need that over here in the U.S. I love hearin about how other cultures do the same stuff differently. 
you should include in that software, a refill button that lets the waiter know you need a refill
Originally Posted by LB81986

ok. well i'm still working with my team to formulate the exact questions. but i'll give you guys the general rundown of what we're trying to do. 

me and my innovation team are trying to come up with a software/hardware package that allows dine in restaurant patrons to use an electronic tablet device to view menus, place orders, and pay their checks. there will be a host of other features, but the idea is to try to simulate the dining experience, to the point where a waiter/waitress isn't needed on a table to table basis. right now, we're more focused on the market research and feasibility study rather than logistics and technical components. but until we get the survey questions all finalized, anyone that has some feedback, either from a restaurant stand point or a restaurant customer pov, that would be appreciated. basically, we're trying to gauge how open customers would be to using this a device like this, or do they enjoy the idea of being waited on. and would restaurants be interested in investing in this if it meant more efficient service and potential to save on staffing costs.
Not to be a ball buster but this just wouldnt work out. For one, the whole dine in experience is that you're getting service, service can only come from a waiter. a tablet won't serve you water, bring you bread or chips. answer whats good on the menu.. ect.
and its too much of a cost factor

I have about 14 tables outside, and 17 tables inside.. when I have a full house (all tables filled) that means I would have to have 31 tablets? 

an ipad is 500$... 31 tablets at 500$ a piece, = 15,500.. so I'd have to spend 15, 500 to get this in my restaurant? doesn't sound good to me. 

Also I want my customers to focus on our food. and enjoy the company of their friends... a tablet would just be a distraction from what the whole experience should be. 

The texting thing is not a good idea, at my restaurant everybody uses their phone when its not busy.. but when it gets busy you pay no attention whatsoever to your phone.. all you're doing it looking at the tables and rushing to clean and set up.. A good restaurant with a good staff shouldn't have to have the need for a customer to text their waiter, because the staff should be tentative  at all times. thats why their being paid. Any manager and owner would agree on that. 
Originally Posted by Clevereddie

Originally Posted by LB81986

ok. well i'm still working with my team to formulate the exact questions. but i'll give you guys the general rundown of what we're trying to do. 

me and my innovation team are trying to come up with a software/hardware package that allows dine in restaurant patrons to use an electronic tablet device to view menus, place orders, and pay their checks. there will be a host of other features, but the idea is to try to simulate the dining experience, to the point where a waiter/waitress isn't needed on a table to table basis. right now, we're more focused on the market research and feasibility study rather than logistics and technical components. but until we get the survey questions all finalized, anyone that has some feedback, either from a restaurant stand point or a restaurant customer pov, that would be appreciated. basically, we're trying to gauge how open customers would be to using this a device like this, or do they enjoy the idea of being waited on. and would restaurants be interested in investing in this if it meant more efficient service and potential to save on staffing costs.
Not to be a ball buster but this just wouldnt work out. For one, the whole dine in experience is that you're getting service, service can only come from a waiter. a tablet won't serve you water, bring you bread or chips. answer whats good on the menu.. ect.
and its too much of a cost factor

I have about 14 tables outside, and 17 tables inside.. when I have a full house (all tables filled) that means I would have to have 31 tablets? 

an ipad is 500$... 31 tablets at 500$ a piece, = 15,500.. so I'd have to spend 15, 500 to get this in my restaurant? doesn't sound good to me. 

Also I want my customers to focus on our food. and enjoy the company of their friends... a tablet would just be a distraction from what the whole experience should be. 

The texting thing is not a good idea, at my restaurant everybody uses their phone when its not busy.. but when it gets busy you pay no attention whatsoever to your phone.. all you're doing it looking at the tables and rushing to clean and set up.. A good restaurant with a good staff shouldn't have to have the need for a customer to text their waiter, because the staff should be tentative  at all times. thats why their being paid. Any manager and owner would agree on that. 

i like the feedback. you're exactly the viewpoint i wanted to speak to. to answer your comments, first,i'm not saying completely eliminate waiters. i'm saying cut back. where as though, originally you may have 5-7 waiters serving tables, maybe 2-3 can now handle the refills, bringing the food, answer questions, etc. the whole idea is a more efficient operations. secondly, i just read an article about India have tablets that are selling for $70 USD retail. We're not talking Ipads, because these devices don't need Ipad capabilities. Obviously you want a trusted technology, but I think, as with all technology trends, pretty soon, tablets will be available for relatively cheap. So you factor in reduced personnel expenses, and a not so bloated investment on these tablets and maybe there's something there. Are you a restuarant owner? Do you think you would be interested in answer our questionnaire. I like your feedback so far.
It seems like a good idea on paper, but I don't think it would translate that well into the real world. Let's say the tablets are $100 (cheap side). You have to take into consideration the cost for each tablet, repairs if something goes wrong and replacements in case it breaks or someone steals it. What happens if the server crashes for whatever reason? You're already short on waiters because you've incorporated these tablets, but now that they don't work, what do you do? It really doesn't seem that cost effective. Yes, it may help the efficiency of some things like having menus available, getting your check, etc...but overall, having a waiter being physically present is more effective/efficient.
There was a restaurant that tried this named U-Wink out here in Los Angeles, they just went out of business. Here is the link to the company that manages the touch screen communication ordering system
also, your idea for tablets may not even be cheaper in the long run than paying hourly wages. how many people would be leaving with a new ipad every night?

youd ask to hold a card, oh wait...not gonna happend. Nothing like one on one, great service.

Its bad enough employees are on cell phones and talk to their co workers while working as much as they do, distracting them from attending their guests.
This happend to me last time I was at Chillis, no care at all for my table.
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