Anyone Rock Jordan's to a Formal Event?

This topic always pops up. I say no, but that's juss me. Besides, you wouldn't wear formal shoes to play basketball, would you?
Wore some black/red 2001 XI's a few months back at a friends 18th party,
formal but not too formal, wore a white button up with a black bow tie
Wore some black/red 2001 XI's a few months back at a friends 18th party,
formal but not too formal, wore a white button up with a black bow tie
There's a time and place for everything, beside life is too short.

Family and Friends functions:
- I wear my xi SJ or xx3 blk (if i had one)
- Wallabees

Business functions:
- Dress shoes, unless the dress code says otherwise.
- Wallabees
There's a time and place for everything, beside life is too short.

Family and Friends functions:
- I wear my xi SJ or xx3 blk (if i had one)
- Wallabees

Business functions:
- Dress shoes, unless the dress code says otherwise.
- Wallabees
At my wedding NYE 2010.  We got the groomsmen, father of the bride and my pops the white/black VIs.
At my wedding NYE 2010.  We got the groomsmen, father of the bride and my pops the white/black VIs.
This has been posted before, and yeah a lot of people do it.  I wore the Space Jams, my third pair (OGs, 01's, and 09's) for my wedding.  To the rehearsal dinner I wore the DMP XI's.  My wife and I decided it was cool after the first week of dating.  I had a really moody girlfriend before my wife. I always joked about wearing Jordan's for my wedding and one day when she was being a real punk she said "You have no say in the wedding!" Later after breaking up with her I told my wife that I was going to get married in Jordan's one day.  She loved the idea and I knew she was the one!
  Needless to say all of my groomsman wore nikes and my groom's cake was an old school shoe box!
This has been posted before, and yeah a lot of people do it.  I wore the Space Jams, my third pair (OGs, 01's, and 09's) for my wedding.  To the rehearsal dinner I wore the DMP XI's.  My wife and I decided it was cool after the first week of dating.  I had a really moody girlfriend before my wife. I always joked about wearing Jordan's for my wedding and one day when she was being a real punk she said "You have no say in the wedding!" Later after breaking up with her I told my wife that I was going to get married in Jordan's one day.  She loved the idea and I knew she was the one!
  Needless to say all of my groomsman wore nikes and my groom's cake was an old school shoe box!
I personally wouldn't, just don't look right with the outfit (to me) but very interesting stories here lol
I personally wouldn't, just don't look right with the outfit (to me) but very interesting stories here lol
Wore Stealth XXs to my graduation. But as far as weddings go, i always said i wanna wear a FRESH, ICY pair of SJs to my wedding. But if it came down to it, i dont know if id actually pull the trigger on that one.
Wore Stealth XXs to my graduation. But as far as weddings go, i always said i wanna wear a FRESH, ICY pair of SJs to my wedding. But if it came down to it, i dont know if id actually pull the trigger on that one.
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