Anyone still not over their Ex? How long has it been? vol. why co cold hearted???????

let me ruin the surprise...

stop thinking you are the exception to the rule...

we all are the rule of thumb.

date, make bad decisions, feel the pain, it will make you a better person... not only for yourself, but for your significant other as well, whenever they decide to show up to the party...

as long as you don't dwell on it, its fine...

its not healthy to dwell, it stunts your growth...

in the end, thats what matters most.
Originally Posted by whyhellothere


Originally Posted by LetItShine24

2012 isnt the year of females. its the year to get your self together, to make you a better person, and to take over the world. Stack your paper, meet new friends, try something crazy. I finally learned, females are cold hearted. they dont care no matter how much you beg or cry. Focus yourself, and the females will come to you. Confidence...
All of this. 
It'll hurt your ex more if they see you're happy alone rather than with somebody else. Keep that in mind.
Originally Posted by LetItShine24

2012 isnt the year of females. its the year to get your self together, to make you a better person, and to take over the world. Stack your paper, meet new friends, try something crazy. I finally learned, females are cold hearted. they dont care no matter how much you beg or cry. Focus yourself, and the females will come to you. Confidence...

Originally Posted by kingcrux31

Still not over her. 1.5 years and counting.

This. Mine will be 2 years in March. Damn, time flies by. It's not that I'm not over her, but still sometimes bothered I never got any closure. We agreed we were going to remain friends, and still talk here and there. Then a few days later I just never heard from her ever again, she never responded to a single text or answer her phone again after that. Decided to let it be and give her time, 3 months later (After a 3 year relationship) she's with another dude. I guess they are engaged now

I'm more or less just kinda
over the fact she decided to shut me out of her life completely. To this day, she's the closest i've been to another person, and I could honestly say I'm happy for her that she found someone who makes her happy. But it still hurts that she had to completely cut me out of her life and not even give me a chance to change, if only she could see how much I've changed, so success oriented now

Oh well, I believe due to the pain of that break up, It resulted in me making 2011 the best year of my life and making so many memories I'll never forget with some great friends. I really am a better person for it, and it just inspires me more to be successful.

It's like the line from the new Jay track "Just make sure the plane your on is bigger than your carry on baggage."

Sidenote I dated 3 other girls this year as well, just couldn't really make that connection with any of them. Meh.
Originally Posted by bbrroowwnnssuuggaarr

My Ex ended our relationship out of no where...Until not to long ago she became real distant and now if we hang out we have to plan in advance and she told me she wants to give up sex all together so that ended as well. Shes 100% honest with me she wont spare my feelings at any expense so I know if she was messing with someone else shed tell me. 
Took me a long time to get over my "on and off". (she kept breaking up with me)

Ruined a big portion of HS i know i cant get back...

However, it took someone special to come into my life to realize how much better i could do.

Then the ex tried to reach out again and i dead her. She was audacious enough to cry to her friends about it like she was a victim.

honestly i tried to be the bigger man about it and not think about it but at the time i lowkey felt good about just returning the favor.

am i wrong for that? needless to say i havent thought about her in a year, i forgot about her last birthday, and shes completely out of my life.

i got a keeper now


Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

one of two things gets you over a good ex:

1) time
2) an equal or greater female
3) success
rub it in her face!!!
what deadsetace said is dead on. at least for me.

#3 was true while i was single but when i got some one else my desire to stunt on an ex left and the 

emotions for the new person took over automatically over time.
Random but I just a dream about my ex from HS last night. I woke up like damn, if only she was faithful she would've been a keeper.
Same thing happened to me. I don't think I'll ever get completely over the guy but that's mostly because for the life of me I can't figure out what went wrong. So maybe it's not that I still love them maybe I just can't seem to let go of the past. Meh. I've learned to go on with my life and to try to be open to new possibilities and people but deep down I don't know if I will ever completely move on. Hang in there OP, it may not get better but it does become easier to live again, in due time...
Tell me about it, everytime I get a call from someone with the same area code as my ex I get a little excited thinking it may be her, but its usually just a homie from the same area, I've been good latley until this chick calls me at 11:59pm on new years eve she just reopened all the old wounds

I swear women can be so heartless

*plays, The Weeknd "Same old song"*
Nothings worse then finally feeling like your getting over them and they contact you. Sometimes its better to not hear from them at all.
I took a leave of absence from everything and everyone after I realized I was longuing for attachment ever since I broke up with my ex.

I think this is the first time in my life depression hit me hard and I used to break down all the time for no reason. It wasn't even all about splitting from my ex, I don't even know where the depression came from... probably from keeping my feelings hidden and they all just came out during this time. I couldn't even hear her name without feeling my heart race and feeling anxious. It was bad man, but

a year later, the god is out here doing his thing. Women be mirin, I be hittin the gym (BEARMODE). Writing some scripts, trying to get this money and get a cam to release some short films and build up that portfolio. Overall, trying to be productive and better myself.

I dont' know what to tell you OP. What works for me probably won't work for you. Being away from friends and people isn't for everybody, we all need recognition, just that some need more than others.

I do however recommend you hit the gym or do some cardio. Exercising is a great stress reliever and mind clearing hobby

oh yea, disregard whenches, acquire currency.
I was with my ex for a touch over 5 years. We had problems but always got through them. June of this past year she gets back from vacation and was real distant. About a week later she ended it. Basically said she can't see herself spending the rest of her life with me. So there goes 5 years of some hard work put into that relationship. Little did she know while she was gone I had put a deposit on an engagement ring for her. I was going to propose in September. Good timing though much rather before than after but ouch...Huge kick to the balls. Here we are in January and I still think about her almost daily. I had a thing going with this other chick for about a month and I just couldn't keep it up. Head wasn't there at all.
If you aint over your ex, then that means you struggling to find another person to love you. You need to step your game up heavy then.
technology makes it very hard to get over the ex when you have txt aim facebook to stalk with

and lets be honest here...everyone stalks the ex at one point. You have to will yourself to stop otherwise you are back to square one

it aint wrong to love your ex but loving her doesnt mean you have to be with her or share lives etc

treat the ex like a dead close relative/friend, they are not with you anymore but that doesnt mean you stop loving them
and by that i mean zero contact, BLOCK EVERYTHING and dont even think about unblocking
this is a ghost here, you dont want her to haunt you for the rest of your life by keeping in contact

just gotta move on, if its not meant to be its not meant to be, be free, we all die alone
this thread makes me not even wanna test the waters of a relationship

sad !%%$ going on in here...
Originally Posted by SoleKid

Random but I just a dream about my ex from HS last night. I woke up like damn, if only she was faithful she would've been a keeper.

That's truth right there.
Maaaaan my situation is completly different. Been with my ex for 5 years, broke up in june 2011. Dated her since i was 15. I cheated on her one time so that brought in trust issues which made %!+! complicated but we kept fighting through it, tryna forget it. No matter what she was always there by my side, pretty much a true definition of a ride or die chick. But i couldnt go out with my boys or do certain stuff cause of the trust issues.nd like i said i was with her aince i was 21 now so when i feel like i missed out on alot in life. And all that arguing and no trust just pushed me away...I put her through so much pain and i know she deserves better...i just didnt want to be in a relationship anymore-thats what i told her. I know she still loves me to this day, and i love her too. Hopefully when we both mature and meet again, shell be back with me again but i doubt thatll happen. Its scary bros....very scary.
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