Anyone used to be an a-hole in school?

Sep 28, 2003
I used to be one of those guys. |I In hindsight, I do not even understand why I used to be that way. Sometimes I feel like sending a FB message to everyone I've probably hurt in the past. Anyone else been there done that?
soundin' like Billy Madison :lol:, saved him from getting taken out by Steve Buscemi
I had friends that would do the D-bags stuff so I don't have to. You can say I was chilled, played sport mainly. However, can't really be nice nowadays tho.
i think i was balanced, i mean in jr high i would pick on kids and i remember locking a kid who always stuck to himself in the bathroom and didn't let him out, he got freaked out to the point he peed his pants. 

in hs i was the one who befriended everybody, i had kids backs who didn't have anyone, i remember some kid use to get paper thrown at him and teased bc he was kinda weird but i stood up for him when a group of guys were talking ish when he was getting stuff from his locker, they had him corner'd, poor kid had his head practically inside his locker, i just told the other guys to kick rocks and invited the kid to chill with me
i used to be, i was cool with everyone though. i just fought alot. high school kegs + me seeing a dude i didn't like i was fighting.

i had my head in my *** though, just got a chick pregnant drinking a liter a night straight alcoholic with no dambs given. i'm alot more chill now.
Look after #1 and put yourself in position to increase your status and earning potential.  There's a time to be a jerk and there's a time be a good dude. Find the right balance and play on peoples emotions.  
I clowned on people a lot growing up. But they knew it was all fun and games. I think I'm more of an A0Hole now but its only because I know have the knowledge to understand people faster. That and I now know that I must fight to get what I want. 8)
I was a little of an outcast in school, not "lunch alone and cutting myself" status, but definitely not at the cool kids' table cracking jokes on the public school populace. I guess I also belong in the category of people who are more of an anus than they once were because of the realities of life.

Nice guys do finish last, and it's because they go around people instead of over and through them. Haven't quite gotten to that point yet tho.
I've been called ahole, smart***** and rude before

never really noticed it til now.

yeah...prolly a little more towards the latter...but i was also bored as **** by my sophmore year and dipped out to college partys on the weekends -which may have been part of the problem. except for my girl and boys from early on i was checked out mentally.

College chilled me out xBillion, meeting a lot of different people from around the world made me want even more for myself but mad me humble for what i have and the people around me as well.

in retrospect i dont know if i really regret it but wish i could change some of the 'verbage' i smartass sarcasm for sure...
Look after #1 and put yourself in position to increase your status and earning potential.  There's a time to be a jerk and there's a time be a good dude. Find the right balance and play on peoples emotions.  

ha - this reminds me of SPAM i get and late night
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