Anyone wanna see a gruesome Youtube video?

i wasnt ready for that screenshot
thats all the blood?
how the hell does some 1 survie that, i mean this dude is just chillen there, he aint moaning or yelling or crying or nothing, just chillen.wat the...
@ the rest of that site, people are mad CRAZY and demented or something yall c that dude with the DEEP emo cuts
Now the question that needs to be asked is how does his urinary system work......for digestive I think as long as there's enough intestine for digestionand absorption he should be fine....his kidneys are still there but what about his bladder, urethra and rest of his urinary tubular system? I'm actuallyastonished by this from a medical standpoint.

And where can I get a link to the video, it got deleted.
I saw this video last week.

I was absolutely horrified and felt really bad about what I had seen.

Live everyday like it was your just never know.
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