AP Newsbreak: New medical marijuana policy issued

How do I get a medical marijuana card in NV?

I need one for Las Vegas. maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan.

Originally Posted by Not a sneak

How do I get a medical marijuana card in NV?

I need one for Las Vegas. maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan.

hahahaha dude, if you in Vegas is it really that big a deal?

I'm paranoid about flying with anything on me so I usually just drive from LA to Vegas. Knock on wood but I've never had any problems in Vegas, andsometimes I get borderline reckless. I've walked down Fremont Street puffin a jay as if it was a cig with no hassle. Also walked right out the front doorof Caesar's, lit up, and puffed as I made (what seems like a 10 mile hike) across the bridge to the other side of Las Vegas Blvd. I never been stopped orquestioned... I just figured that cops got more important stuff to deal with, or the casino securities pretty much police themselves and they dont really wantto deal with no marijuana related "crime"
where in the Bay Area or in Sacramento can I get verified by a doctor just pay him and get the canna card thanks
rice95814 wrote:
where in the Bay Area or in Sacramento can I get verified by a doctor just pay him and get the canna card thanks

Don't get this locked, do some research. It's all out there for you to see.
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