Apparently, DeMarcus Cousins draft stock will be hurt by his mental "issues"

That Cousins elbow was uncalled for as was the other incidents he's had but things like that can be corraled.

And that Beasley arguement is weak. That KSU team had NO OTHER OPTIONS on the squad. Of course he's gonna put up 26 and 12. Put him on a squad like this Kentucky team and his numbers would max out at Cousins' numbers right now.

Why do people always mention what "reports" say or what "scouts" write? If you actually watch college basketball then you should be able to figure $$#* out with your own two eyes.
I think you can look at it from a couple perspectives though In My Mind. For a legit big man, center, whatever you want to call it, to come in and play/produce the way Cousins has, when he isnt dominating the ball can be seen as every bit as impressive as a ball dominant player like Beasley was.
I'm looking at it from a pure talent perspective. Beasley was Carmelo Anthony at K-St. without the National Championship. It was basically pick your poison...double me on the inside...I'll kill you from the outside. I'll take you off the dribble. The difference in athleticism stands out more too.
Originally Posted by Im Not You

I'm looking at it from a pure talent perspective. Beasley was Carmelo Anthony at K-St. without the National Championship. It was basically pick your poison...double me on the inside...I'll kill you from the outside. I'll take you off the dribble. The difference in athleticism stands out more too.
Exactly...Cosuins straight just throws his body around.  The skill level or the athleticism is nowhere near where Beas was as a Frosh.  You put Cousins on that K-State squad, they don't even make the NIT prolly.  Put Beas on Kentucky, they wouldn't lose a game all season.
Originally Posted by Im Not You

Beasley was much more impressive as a freshman. I don't even see how that's arguable.
and I really dont remember any incidents from him his freshmen year. Sure there were articles about his time in HS and since he's been a pro there have been thing, obviously. But for that 1 year he was as clean as anyone, wasn't he?
Labeled a "thug" by some, (Insert black athlete here) Cousins' apparent mean streak is both a positive and a negative. If he can channel it, he can draw from it and use it on the floor. But it could easily derail him if he allows his temper to get the best of him in an on or off court altercation.
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

I think it's pretty clear the lousville player is fighting for the ball and his leg just happens to move up and hits him on accident

and it was pretty clear watching the game live that cousins was throwing that elbow to do damage
whatever the case was...if you're Cousins, and you're fighting for a loose ball...then *bang* knee to the head...from a guy who was talking %*%# during warmups...

intentional or not, this is an elbow @ the :30 mark:

if that was Cousins and not Rautins, dudes woulda been calling for his head.

Originally Posted by wildKYcat

yes, he's immature...whatever.  the problem is that he always retaliates.

Originally Posted by wildKYcat

 drafting Cousins raises some red flags...he's a high risk/high reward guy.

Originally Posted by wildKYcat

Favors may very well be the better NBA prospect.  i've only seen him a few times, so someone can correct me if i'm wrong, i know allen's really high on him...but Favors is the more athletic/explosive big, better suited for the current style of play for bigs in the league...whereas Cousins is the big banger type, with some complimentary finesse.

that wasn't good enough for you, mike?  i said at the beginning of the season that people were gonna hate Cousins...
i dont think he slips far but i dont think he will be great in the league....he gets frustrated too easily and hes going to get pushed around fairly easily
That site is horrible. They don't even go out and do actual researching/reporting/ none of that. They simply watch games on TV, write their own little opinions and that's the whole site. They have favorites and non-favorites.

I remember when OJ was at USC, they dropped him to like 25 at one point. They hated on him since day 1 when everyone knew even at his worst, he was still a lottery pick. They overrated Avery Bradley way above John Wall. I can't mess with them at all.

They also jump the bandwagon. Dudes had Wes Johnson at #2 for most of the year. I can guarantee that dude won't go that high and I go to Cuse. Out of them and draftexpress, I mess with express more. I see them on the circuit more and they seem a lot more level-headed. These dudes are just all over the place.
Originally Posted by BeallsFinest

That site is horrible. They don't even go out and do actual researching/reporting/ none of that. They simply watch games on TV, write their own little opinions and that's the whole site. They have favorites and non-favorites.

I remember when OJ was at USC, they dropped him to like 25 at one point. They hated on him since day 1 when everyone knew even at his worst, he was still a lottery pick. They overrated Avery Bradley way above John Wall. I can't mess with them at all.
I'm not even sure they watch the games anymore.

Hassan Whiteside as a top 5 pick this year?

Wes Johnson was their #2 pick up till like 2 weeks ago
..hell, they still got him 3 looking at it now

I can take Givnoy a little bit more seriously cause he's actually out there watching, but he's an idiot regardless.
[h1]Scarbinsky: Hoops world should grow up and let Cousins do the same[/h1][h4]By Kevin Scarbinsky -- The Birmingham News [/h4][h5]February 26, 2010, 6:28AM

DeMarcus Cousins takes abuse on and off the court. (

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before. LeFlore High School just lost in the semifinals of the state tournament.

You can’t blame this one on DeMarcus Cousins, though it’ll be an upset if someone doesn’t try.

One year removed from the Final 48, the local kid made good has become one of college basketball’s best players on the road to the Final Four.

He’s also one of the sport’s biggest targets.

The latest and lowest shot across the Kentucky freshman’s brow came completely out of the cheap seats this week on

"This year’s NBA draft is head-case heavy," wrote Bill Simmons, aka The Sports Guy.

"We might even see DeMarcus Cousins get drafted ahead of (Ohio State’s) Evan Turner this June, which should never happen unless it’s a draft for the likelihood of someone uttering the sentence, ‘Don’t hang up. You’re my only phone call!’ "

That’s not funny.

That’s criminal.

And to think ESPN suspended Tony Kornheiser for his wisecracks about Hannah Storm’s short skirt.

If anyone from the self-professed worldwide leader in sports needs to take the lead and apologize, it’s Simmons to Cousins.

I know college basketball is big business, but it’s still played by young men whose bodies sometimes mature faster than their psyches.

It’s one thing to question Cousins and his ability to keep his cool, which is a legitimate issue for more than one regular on the Kentucky roster. Everyone knows the Wildcats have the talent to win a national championship, but do they have the maturity?

John Calipari addressed that issue on Monday’s SEC teleconference, two days after freshman Eric Bledsoe lost his cool and earned a technical at Vanderbilt.

"By the time March rolls around, we’re going to have less and less of this, hopefully," Calipari said. "Or we’re not going to be the team we need to be."

As much as Bledsoe and fellow freshman guard John Wall occupy the spotlight, no one has attracted as much scrutiny as the 6-foot-11 Cousins. He really should spend more time lying down if he’s going to be the subject of so much psychoanalysis.

Two weeks ago,’s Pat Freud, I mean Forde, called Cousins "the best offensive rebounder in the country — and perhaps the most immature player in the country, too."

Wow. That’s quite a label to hang on a 19-year-old freshman.

Has Cousins sulked and pouted and let his emotions get the better of him at times? More than once. It happened a year ago here when Bledsoe and Parker bounced Cousins and LeFlore from the state tournament.

But there’s a difference between childish behavior and criminal behavior. What exactly has Cousins done to merit a smart-aleck suggestion from Simmons that he has handcuffs in his future?

Tell me. When exactly did Big Cuz bring a gun into the locker room?

If you’re going to dissect his actual behavior, note last week. Cousins walked into a pressure cooker at Mississippi State and blew up, but in a good way.

After State fans had tracked down his number and peppered his cell with unflattering texts and voice mails, he responded by taking some of the calls, cordially, reportedly, and then taking Jarvis Varnado to school.

The worst thing Cousins did that night was flash the "call me" sign at the crowd — just like that beacon of maturity Tim Tebow once did at LSU.

It’s a wonder someone didn’t call the Starkville police.
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