Apparently Ryan Reynolds is going to play Green Lantern

I think he could be either the Flash, or the Green Lantern as Hal Jordan. But I think he would be better as the Flash because he can provide comic relief.
When is Deadpool slated to release?

I like this news. Ryan getting more superhero roles ftw.

I've always wanted to see a GL movie. Geoff Johns based?
Originally Posted by KingJay718

Michael Jai White or Idris Alba would make a perfect John Stewart/Green Lantern.

I would have definitely liked to have seen this version of the Green Lantern.

That is terrible casting choice.
at bringing up Smoking Aces as his serious role.
They couldn't have have done a John Stewart story since the first movie is most likely going to be a origin and Stewart's is tied into Hal alreadybeing Green Lantern same with Gardner and Rayner. And really his biggest story outside of JLU was Mosaic a story they would never do on screen. Johns already served them up a perfect script in Secret Origin so it makesperfect sense that they go with a Hal story.

Unless they're gonna surprise us all and do a '40s Alan Scott movie.
wth?? so how is he gonna star in a movie as a Marvel character, AND a DC character?? Ryan Reynolds is already playing Deadpool, DC couldn't find anyoneelse to Green Lantern? why couldn't they have just gotten a lesser known actor to play the role like they did for Superman?
Originally Posted by bkzkurse

^ because superman was awful
yea, but I wouldn't say Superman was bad because of the actors. it was the fact that it was just extremely boring and had just about 0 actionin it. Superman was more of a romantic/drama film than a comic book movie.
Originally Posted by RFX45

Even though I would rather see him as the Flash, I am glad Reynolds got this role.
I read at SSH last night that Justin Timberlake was in the running and to be honest, I rather Reynolds get it.
Maybe he'll play the Flash too. Reynolds just has that look that could work with any good superhero.
My thoughts exactly.

Out of the final few choices, I like him the best.

It is interesting though that he'll play GL and then play Deadpool later.
Wait a minute, just to be clear this GL movie is about Kyle Rayner right? If Reynolds plays Hal Jordan this film is auto fail.

And ye would be better as the Flash. I see no problem with him playing Deadpool and GL. Even if there is a crossover, just make DP wear the mask like he issuppose to.
^ I'm pretty sure its gonna be about Hal Jordan. I wish it would be about John Stewart tho, just so a REAL black superhero (not Hancock) could get someshine
wow deadpool AND green lantern.

although they shouldve done a john stewart one instead...
I've always been a fan of Reynolds and I was happy to see him get the Deadpool gig...but I'm not a fan in general of one actor playing 2 differentsuperhero roles.
Reynolds is one of the best young actors out there. He'll do a great job with this role and this is a fantastic transition for his career. I just don'tlike how he's playing 2 superheroes though.
I question this choice for the simple fact that I know they will try to make Hal more comedic than serious. I pray that I am wrong. IMO, they really blew thechance at having RR being the Flash
Hal can be pretty comedic, he's a wise $!@ through and through but he's also a soldier with a pretty strong moralistic streak that's gonna comeinto play in dealing with Sinestro and the Guardians like we've seen throughout Johns' run and in The New Frontier.

By the way, John Stewart is really boring as a main character. He's only ever had one really good story by himself his best characterizations are alwayswhen he's playing off someone; he couldn't possibly carry this movie.
Falcon, whos that chick in your avy? I remember her from some damn show but can't think of what.

Anyways, it is pretty damn weird he's going to run the show on two big superhero movies, but I like Ryan a lot as an actor.
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