APPLE is a great example how the Free-Market is suppose to work.

Originally Posted by SupraTurbo619

And this stuff about innovation:

Apple made the first viable consumer personal computer.

Apple made the first widely used GUI based operating system.

Mac had a mouse and desktop when MS-DOS was still using terminal commands.
Yep, and I'm not a apple fan boy. But still at the end of the day PC > mac
. Only because I love gaming on computers and I've been coding with windowsbased for a long time. If I were to just surf the internet, email, chat, or microsoft office I would have bought a mac any day. And yes Macs look cool.
Thats nothing to what we have now... and what we have now is going to be nothing to what we will have in the future
I remember having a Apple desktop when I was a very young kid.

I currently have a macbook.

I wouldn't call myself a computer savy person but I did have a HP laptop that kept freezing and never picked up the internet. I remember the first night Igot my macbook I was on the internet as soon I opened the box.

I understand why people would perfer a less complicated product. Especially one that is marketed so well.
Originally Posted by SupraTurbo619

Originally Posted by GetThisMoney

Apple products are great for non savvy, regular internet users. But anyone who's into IT, or programming know that its actually overpriced for absolutely no reason. Windows 7 running on a quad core machine will run better and faster than a $1600 macbook pro for 600 dollars less. Believe that.

Better and faster?

Like I said earlier I use both systems extensively every day. As a software professional who relies on Windows everyday, I can say that the major reason that is so prevalent in business is the standard of SQL Server, Sharepoint and Exchange and their native ability to run on Windows Server platforms NOT because Windows OS performs better or is cheaper. You all realize that most companies' IT departments (at least in software development industry) skipped Vista and stayed with XP and Server 2003. This is because a) Vista chokes on a lot of the custom testing and deployment software, b) Vista is a pain in the neck to administer as a Network Admin and c) Visual Studios is custom and a lot of the plugins and what not are not Vista compatible.

When I get home I genuinely enjoy the slick, over-engineered user interface that Apple has provided with OSX on my unibody MBP. I run the iPhone SDK, Adobe CS4 suite, Final Cut Pro, Photomatix and Aperture and it works like a charm.

The Mac just is a work of engineering and industrial design art that is priced accordingly to it's intended customer, I would compare it to my M3 or M5. A E90/2 M3 is much more expensive than an EVO, but you can appreciate the extra mile that BMW put in engineering the user interfaces (interior quality, noise vibration and engine noise) and sophisticated systems that basically do simple things.

The basic user at a Fortune 500 company is only using their computer to access intranet e-mail, browse the net and run Excel, Word, Powerpoint or Visio.

The basic home user is using their computer to download pirated music and free porn.

You can do either very successfully on a Mac or PC.

Just like you can drive to the mall in a Accord or a Porsche 911 Turbo.

you keep comparing it to with Vista. the xp/7 os run excellent, i get WAY better hardware for half the price, and i can run anything and networking is so muchbetter with windows.
Originally Posted by JustScoreda100

Originally Posted by Los Yankees

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

[h1]Nokia sues Apple for patent infringement
Nokia is suing Apple over 10 patents the Finnish phone maker says it owns related to wireless handsets.

The largest handset maker in the world is suing the maker of one of the most popular, the iPhone, because, according to a statement released by Nokia Thursday, Apple has refused to license any of the patents in question. All iPhone models dating back to the original introduced in 2007 are infringing, according to Nokia.

"The basic principle in the mobile industry is that those companies who contribute in technology development to establish standards create intellectual property, which others then need to compensate for," said Ilkka Rahnasto, Vice President, Legal & Intellectual Property at Nokia. "Apple is also expected to follow this principle. By refusing to agree appropriate terms for Nokia's intellectual property, Apple is attempting to get a free ride on the back of Nokia's innovation."

Nokia says it has spent more than $60 billion (40 billion Euros) on R&D related to wireless technology. The 10 patents it accuses Apple of violating are related to making phones able to run on GSM, UMTS, and wireless LAN. They include patents on wireless data, speech coding, security, and encryption, according to Nokia.

Apple did not respond immediately to a request for comment.

Because of this, it wont get very far.



"There are companies that are patent trolls, that don't participate in the creation of technology, or they secretly acquire them. Nokia's not one of these companies. They're pretty up front about the patents they own," noted Jason Schultz, director of the Samuelson Law, Technology & Public Policy Clinic at UC Berkeley School of Law. "They're probably not trying to put Apple out of business...but force Apple to play the same game that every other phone company has to play."

Apple analyst Gene Munster thinks Nokia is looking to extract a royalty payment of 1 to 2 percent of every iPhone sold from Apple, which would be about $6 to $12 per phone. With 34 million iPhones sold to date, that would be $204 million to $408 million in back payments Apple would have to pay if Nokia were successful in court. There's also the added risk of something called "willful infringement." Basically, if Apple were to be found in violation they'd have to pay three times the amount of whatever the judgment won by Nokia.

Apple could settle out of court, or they could try to show that Nokia either doesn't own the patents or that they're not valid in this case, both of which would be difficult, said Schultz.

"Invalidating 10 patents is a lot, that's like running the Boston Marathon. It's really hard to do. You might get one, two or even five," he said. "But 10 is a lot."


Because of this, it WILL get very far. I'm guessing they settle out of court but Apple owes a nice chunk of change.

Companies do that all the time. They all do it, that's why creativity lacks worldwide, nobody has a great idea anymore everyone just tries to improve whatis already out there. Nokia is going after APPL because they are the "big whig" at this point, but in reality every company does this and they couldall sue each other if they wanted to. But like I said, APPL is the leader at this point and Nokia knows they will be awarded some sort of compensation.

Complaining about some like GSM or wireless LAN for example is so broad.
Originally Posted by JustScoreda100

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Question for PC users:

What exactly is it you guys claim that PC's can do "more" of? The only thing that seems even remotely valid is the point made on games and that's not even because Mac's "can't run games." It's easier to upgrade the components of a PC so your gaming experience will be that much better but there's definitely a way to play most any game on a Mac. So what else can a Mac not do that a PC can?

I know a ton of things PC's can't do software wise and I also know that if we're talking build-quality, each Mac model is engineered to perfection while I can't say the same about any of these third-party PC producers. I'm more than willing to pay a bit more for a computer built like the new 27" iMac or for a unibody Macbook Pro or for a touchpad Magic Mouse... Who else does it better in that respect?
A pc can do anything a Mac can do plus run more applications and actually be customized.

You right about Mac offering unique hardware configurations, but except for the iMac and the touchpad you can build the exact same hardware configuartions for a cheaper price on a PC. As time passes you'll see 27in all in one PC's and even touchpad mouses. But lets be real those are novelty items and are not needed in order to have a good computing experience.

I don't understand.... what kind of customizations do you claim that windows can do that makes it so much better than OSX/macs? themes? start bar/windows?lol stylexp? seriously.... and run more applications... like what?!?! your computer games?! For almost all windows programs/apps, there is a mac equivalentthat is as good if not better. I don't think you've ever spent much time with a mac before, so please stop while you're ahead. And to the guy whosays apple doesn't innovate.... just smh.
im pretty happy with my mac. ive had windows computers my entire life and ive always had problems with them. ive had my mac for 3 years now and ive never hadany issues with it. my only complaint would be that the casing is cheap for my laptop. other than that i love it.

i also had an ipod for 6 years with no troubles. after all that time the only issue i had was the battery life wasnt quite as long as it was when i bought it.
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