APPLE is a great example how the Free-Market is suppose to work.

Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

Mac's have a illusion that make it seem they have the greatest product when they dont. They have great commercials and word on the street. Apple products have no clear advantage over most products besides its can also be used as a fashion accessory.

Truth, they're not innovative at all. All they do is take others ideas and put them in a marketable and fashionable form, then they become the mostsuccesful because everyone is on board with them. I swear if I was a director of an electronics company (that has enough money), APPLE would not stay at thetop for long, it's so simple too. They stopped caring when they blew up earlier this decade.
Originally Posted by Mac A Roni

Originally Posted by torontoRaptor15

Originally Posted by Mac A Roni

[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)] there an mp3 player similar to the touch out now? I heard of a few but none were dropping[/color]
Give the ZuneHD a try.

[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)] old zune just conked out on me randomly...but ima check it out prolly[/color]
i think the zune is a better all-around multi-media player than the ipod, but the apps on the touch are a deal breaker. i think they set it anotch over the zune hd. if the hd had as many apps as the app store it would blow the touch out of the water.
Originally Posted by micheal623

Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by micheal623

free market at it's best. You put out a good product people buy it you make money. The way it should be. It's not HYPE. MACS are superior to PC's PERIOD!


reliability, ease of use, macs lack of harmful viruses, operating system, it's all better.
So what you're saying is Macs are made for idiots?
Originally Posted by memphisboi55


^^^^ They wouldn't be happy
i used to have a windows laptop..but it ended up getting stolen do i decided to get a mac to replace it..IMO my mac is way better than my hp laptop was
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Originally Posted by micheal623

Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by micheal623

free market at it's best. You put out a good product people buy it you make money. The way it should be. It's not HYPE. MACS are superior to PC's PERIOD!


reliability, ease of use, macs lack of harmful viruses, operating system, it's all better.
So what you're saying is Macs are made for idiots?
clearly, the problem exists between the chair and the keyboard.

just saying.
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Originally Posted by micheal623

Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by micheal623

free market at it's best. You put out a good product people buy it you make money. The way it should be. It's not HYPE. MACS are superior to PC's PERIOD!


reliability, ease of use, macs lack of harmful viruses, operating system, it's all better.
So what you're saying is Macs are made for idiots?

they are "dummy proof"

But certain professions call for a mac
Originally Posted by 13saldana13

Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

Mac's have a illusion that make it seem they have the greatest product when they dont. They have great commercials and word on the street. Apple products
have no clear advantage over most products besides its can also be used as a fashion accessory.

Truth, they're not innovative at all. All they do is take others ideas and put them in a marketable and fashionable form, then they become the most succesful because everyone is on board with them. I swear if I was a director of an electronics company (that has enough money), APPLE would not stay at the top for long, it's so simple too. They stopped caring when they blew up earlier this decade.

??? i may be biased or uninformed but apple has some great technology that they make. multitouch, unibody, smaller components, larger battery life, stuff likethis i dont think they stole but i may be wrong

sure some of theyre stuff is hyped and a fashion accessory but you cant knock them for making a good looking product, truth is their stuff just works, i neverencounter any problems like I did with my pc, my macs never freeze on me, and its just an all around easier experience...maybe ya'll are hating cuz youdont have one but i happen to think apple is doing their thing just fine
Originally Posted by SupraTurbo619

Originally Posted by GetThisMoney

Apple products are great for non savvy, regular internet users. But anyone who's into IT, or programming know that its actually overpriced for absolutely no reason. Windows 7 running on a quad core machine will run better and faster than a $1600 macbook pro for 600 dollars less. Believe that.

Better and faster?

Like I said earlier I use both systems extensively every day. As a software professional who relies on Windows everyday, I can say that the major reason that is so prevalent in business is the standard of SQL Server, Sharepoint and Exchange and their native ability to run on Windows Server platforms NOT because Windows OS performs better or is cheaper. You all realize that most companies' IT departments (at least in software development industry) skipped Vista and stayed with XP and Server 2003. This is because a) Vista chokes on a lot of the custom testing and deployment software, b) Vista is a pain in the neck to administer as a Network Admin and c) Visual Studios is custom and a lot of the plugins and what not are not Vista compatible.

When I get home I genuinely enjoy the slick, over-engineered user interface that Apple has provided with OSX on my unibody MBP. I run the iPhone SDK, Adobe CS4 suite, Final Cut Pro, Photomatix and Aperture and it works like a charm.

The Mac just is a work of engineering and industrial design art that is priced accordingly to it's intended customer, I would compare it to my M3 or M5. A E90/2 M3 is much more expensive than an EVO, but you can appreciate the extra mile that BMW put in engineering the user interfaces (interior quality, noise vibration and engine noise) and sophisticated systems that basically do simple things.

The basic user at a Fortune 500 company is only using their computer to access intranet e-mail, browse the net and run Excel, Word, Powerpoint or Visio.

The basic home user is using their computer to download pirated music and free porn.

You can do either very successfully on a Mac or PC.

Just like you can drive to the mall in a Accord or a Porsche 911 Turbo.
the difference between those cars is not just aesthetics though

and just because you work a lot with computers does not mean that you can not be an apple fanboy
The Mac just is a work of engineering and industrial design art that is priced accordingly to it's intended customer
at the end of the day, from a technical standpoint, i don't think the Mac technology is THAT muchbetter to justify the difference in price.... the extra price is really for the brand name and the marketing and the nice looking shops... apple products arealso status products. like jordans and air force ones. these products are always exempt from general sales and promotions.....
You know you're in good shape when you have a deal with the United States Army.

All their PAOs are transitioning over to Apple.

Shame how this has turned into an Apple v. Mac thread, but on the other hand it's not surprising.

Here's the thing though. With all of the arguing about the superiority of one platform over another, one thing is getting lost, namely the fact that all ofthese arguments are based on a particular set of values and criteria about what makes something "good" or "better" than something else.Storage capacity, upgradeability and customizability, design aesthetic , availability of software and free/shareware, multimedia functionality, out the doorcost, customer support and service, resale value, OS stability and compatibility, build quality . . . you all get the point. All are valid, fair criteria onwhich to base a judgment on which is better. The problem is that no one set of criteria is categorically "right" for everyone, and one system couldbe seen as "better' than another depending on what criteria is important to any given individual.

To a 25-year old IT worker and avid gamer the most important things may be low up-front cost and something that I can grow and tinker with over time. To the 25year old business man who's married with kids the most important thing may be something that can handle his basic office requirements and quality,intuitive multimedia software so he can edit and share all his vacation pictures and videos with family living elsewhere. Hard to say the same machine would beright for both.

The bottom line is that like them or not, Apple is doing SOMETHING right. By and large, a product soaked in hype and marketing that's not actually goodwon't have staying power with consumers . . . anyone remember Laser Discs? New Coke? The Arch Deluxe? Numbers in this case don't lie. Apple has puttogether a compelling model that has them doing extremely well. At least in terms of their Mac lines, they're putting out well made, aesthetically pleasingproducts that satisfy general consumer needs in a reliable, intuitive way. They've coupled their solid products with a brilliant marketing strategy andmeticulous control of how and where they are placed in the stream of commerce. Are they the best deals out there if you're looking for eye-popping specs atthe cheapest price? Definitely not. But that's why there's such a breadth of products out there. Apple has simply found one particular place to sit atthe table with their formula, and right now they're feasting.
lol oh man, mac haters you saaaaaalllllltyyyyy. I'm just gonna stay on my ignant steez and say yall aint got the money to buy one. Lets be real here, thepremium paid for a mac is justified at JUST the OS level. Are you even gonna argue that Windows Vista > OSX?!!??!?!!? I've used both extensively, andits not even an argument..... please try using a mac for more than the 5 minutes you did visiting the apple store before coming at me with an argument forthat. Windows 7 is another story though...
Originally Posted by ohBURRRR

lol oh man, mac haters you saaaaaalllllltyyyyy. I'm just gonna stay on my ignant steez and say yall aint got the money to buy one. Lets be real here, the premium paid for a mac is justified at JUST the OS level. Are you even gonna argue that Windows Vista > OSX?!!??!?!!? I've used both extensively, and its not even an argument..... please try using a mac for more than the 5 minutes you did visiting the apple store before coming at me with an argument for that. Windows 7 is another story though...

that's it

Technology is not better for either systems.

The hardware technology is now shared/exactly the same for both platforms. Intel processors, graphics cards, RAM, hard drives, optical drives. The samehardware can be used on both platforms.

This is different from the past when Mac used IBM PowerPC processors and very expensive proprietary technology in their computers.

Like I said before:

The Mac just is a work of engineering and industrial design art that is priced accordingly to it's intendedcustomer.

You can't deny that a 27" iMac looks like a piece of art on a desk.

Yes you could probably build a faster Windows PC with a i7 processor, 16GB RAM and a 24" NEC IPS monitor for the same price.

I am willing to pay money for the iMac, but not for the hype. I enjoy well engineered and designed things. I appreciate the time that Apple engineers spentdesigning the aluminum unibody frame of the MBP. I enjoy the tactile quality of the user interface (keyboard, mouse, trackpad...etc) over my Dell XPS machineat work. There are a lot of people like me that would spend the extra money on qualities like these, we use our computers every day for hours a day. Why notget what YOU want out of it, even if it costs more. That is why there is an Apple or a BMW or a Louis Vuitton or Rolex.

Yes at the end of the day will do the same thing as a $300 Dell bottom basement tower running Vista.

Besides, Apple has never marketed itself to be a price leader when it came to computers. They have ALWAYS been expensive, my Macintosh LCIII in 1991 cost$2000 and it only had 2 MEGABYTES of RAM and 40 MEGABYTES of hard disk space.

Today you can get a aluminum bodied, 27" IPS 16:9 screen having, i7 quad core processor, 8GB RAM, 1TB HD machine for $2000.

Another thing, and maybe the most important reason: I get no viruses when I surf for prons or download G.I. JOE.
Originally Posted by eaglebball1499


Shame how this has turned into an Apple v. Mac thread, but on the other hand it's not surprising.

Here's the thing though. With all of the arguing about the superiority of one platform over another, one thing is getting lost, namely the fact that all of these arguments are based on a particular set of values and criteria about what makes something "good" or "better" than something else. Storage capacity, upgradeability and customizability, design aesthetic , availability of software and free/shareware, multimedia functionality, out the door cost, customer support and service, resale value, OS stability and compatibility, build quality . . . you all get the point. All are valid, fair criteria on which to base a judgment on which is better. The problem is that no one set of criteria is categorically "right" for everyone, and one system could be seen as "better' than another depending on what criteria is important to any given individual.

To a 25-year old IT worker and avid gamer the most important things may be low up-front cost and something that I can grow and tinker with over time. To the 25 year old business man who's married with kids the most important thing may be something that can handle his basic office requirements and quality, intuitive multimedia software so he can edit and share all his vacation pictures and videos with family living elsewhere. Hard to say the same machine would be right for both.

The bottom line is that like them or not, Apple is doing SOMETHING right. By and large, a product soaked in hype and marketing that's not actually good won't have staying power with consumers . . . anyone remember Laser Discs? New Coke? The Arch Deluxe? Numbers in this case don't lie. Apple has put together a compelling model that has them doing extremely well. At least in terms of their Mac lines, they're putting out well made, aesthetically pleasing products that satisfy general consumer needs in a reliable, intuitive way. They've coupled their solid products with a brilliant marketing strategy and meticulous control of how and where they are placed in the stream of commerce. Are they the best deals out there if you're looking for eye-popping specs at the cheapest price? Definitely not. But that's why there's such a breadth of products out there. Apple has simply found one particular place to sit at the table with their formula, and right now they're feasting.
listen to this man

they've picked their spots, identified and zeroed in on their target consumer base, and succeeded in that. it doesn't mean their hardware/software thebest, but it's definitely not terrible.
i like this thread.....
both sides making great points. but its all about preference in the end. I think eaglebball1499 hit it on the head.
I have both an Hp and a Mac btw
Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by Los Yankees

Technology isnt regulated...yet. Therefore it's Free.
??? Aren't there patents?

The government isn't dictating what they can produce and how they do it (See EPA standards for the U.S. Auto Industry). The government basically tellspeople "give me your money and your ideas." in exchange for telling everyone what they invent and how they do it, in a sense limiting their privateproperty. If it werent for patents, those other companies couldn't compete at all because of the lack of ideas that they already have presently. Why do youthink that everyone started making "touch screen" phones after the Iphone came out? If it werent for patents, you would actually create morecompetition because some other company let say is called ACME develops a OS 10x better that Mac's OS and they create a niche in their marketing, now APPLand ACME will now compete amongst themselves for the production of more superior products unless a new up and coming company develops something way better thanAPPL and ACME.

Ah, okay, I do see what you mean now. I thought you meant that they had a better product from purely a consumer's stand point, but you're considering the vision of investors and others like them. I do agree with that.

I'm still not sold that the majority of first time Mac users are knowledgeable about Macs before giving them a go. It is true that Apple's customer service does encourage people to ask questions and is able to make many issues people do have with computers more simple to understand, but that's after those people have walked into the store after being impressed by the advertising, which is hardly educational and is much more focused with being aesthetically pleasing (I know that's largely my opinion, and I don't have data on hand to prove anything like that, but I don't think it's a frivolous point).

I suppose my gripe is that much of the fanfare regarding Apple is hype-motivated, and while there's nothing wrong from a company's standpoint to encourage that (especially when the product is extremely decent), I do have issue with people irresponsibly spending more than they have to when a cheaper, sometimes technologically better alternative is out there. The desire to appear fashionable can contradict obvious fiscal decisions. As this message board has shown, vanity has no recession.

Honestly, dude. I cant even say is APPL has a better product or not, I only had the Mac for less than a week. I've had the Blackberry 8700 model and thatcame out like 4 or 5 years ago I guess? I personally feel that Blackberry is a better product overall than a Iphone.

All I'm saying is that APPL is doing it the correct way, it wont last though because someone always come with something better and figure out how to sellit. Just read about how Sears, JC Penney, ect started in the early 1900's.
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