APPLE THREAD | Apple Event Sept. 9th 2024 10a.m. PT. | iPhone 16

Team nekkid or with a case?

  • Team nekkid

    Votes: 119 26.0%
  • Case

    Votes: 282 61.6%
  • Nekkid with occasional case

    Votes: 57 12.4%

  • Total voters
i for one, love the space gray and think its the best color out of the three.

sucks they took away the black/slate but what sucked is how the edges would get scratched and show the aluminum and what not. I love my black 5 but the scratches and silver showing kinda suck but it was the best color tho
There are very small things that i wanted out of a new iphone that aren't there but aren't deal breakers. (hardware only)

An LED notification for texts or voicemails would be nice (kinda can be done with a flash im assuming there is an app but thats bright and annoying)
Stereo speakers on the phone (idk why they don't have these yet)
More then 8mp camera ( i don't take lots of pictures so not a big deal to me)

More outlandish:
A kickstand?
A projector/ projection keyboard feature?
A reactive haptic keyboard that gives some sort of finger respoonse? Heard apple had pattents for a screen that raises and lowers keys so you can feel them when typing but goes away when not typing. Space age type stuff
A touch sensitive back that maybe you can hit while holding your phone to do easy tasks?
When was apple ever ahead? The original iphone and ipad? Their advantage has always lied in "it just works better".

LED notification? Why would they do that when you can already have the flash goes off to notify you when you receive a text or call.
i want my phone to be able to talk to me with telecakneesis.
So I don't even have to have it on me, I can just use my phone without having my phone in my hand.
be able to hover in front of my face.
Have a forcefield that shocks anyone who tries to touch my iphone.
a laser so I can annoy cats
lastly, more memory so I can store a million things that I'll never even get to.

This is why I love NT. I'm over here rolling

There are very small things that i wanted out of a new iphone that aren't there but aren't deal breakers. (hardware only)

An LED notification for texts or voicemails would be nice (kinda can be done with a flash im assuming there is an app but thats bright and annoying)

Stereo speakers on the phone (idk why they don't have these yet)

More then 8mp camera ( i don't take lots of pictures so not a big deal to me)

More outlandish:

A kickstand?

A projector/ projection keyboard feature?

A reactive haptic keyboard that gives some sort of finger respoonse? Heard apple had pattents for a screen that raises and lowers keys so you can feel them when typing but goes away when not typing. Space age type stuff

A touch sensitive back that maybe you can hit while holding your phone to do easy tasks?
Those features seem like knick knacks.
IDK how apple would sell those features since they're about making their product simple as hell.
haha @ a kickstand.

You are right but i think they can be used in different ways and wouldn't be useless like siri is.
I am just giving ideas of what i would like/use. I would never say i want to have my phone stop playing a video when i look away or i want to be able to hover my finger over my phone and not actually touch it and have it work....

edit: like old blackberrys had the small LED light blink when you had a notification. I dont' want the huge flash going off if i look at my phone during a work meeting to see if i have a text or call :lol:
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am I the only one who's gonna stick with the 5? lol

Nope. I'm someone who generally anticipates Apple product releases and saves money out of every paycheck all year round for Apple products so as to always be financially ready, but I do not feel the 5s to be a compelling upgrade over the 5.
There are very small things that i wanted out of a new iphone that aren't there but aren't deal breakers. (hardware only)

An LED notification for texts or voicemails would be nice (kinda can be done with a flash im assuming there is an app but thats bright and annoying)
Stereo speakers on the phone (idk why they don't have these yet)
More then 8mp camera ( i don't take lots of pictures so not a big deal to me)

More outlandish:
A kickstand?
A projector/ projection keyboard feature?
A reactive haptic keyboard that gives some sort of finger respoonse? Heard apple had pattents for a screen that raises and lowers keys so you can feel them when typing but goes away when not typing. Space age type stuff
A touch sensitive back that maybe you can hit while holding your phone to do easy tasks?
When was apple ever ahead? The original iphone and ipad? Their advantage has always lied in "it just works better".

LED notification? Why would they do that when you can already have the flash goes off to notify you when you receive a text or call.

thats only on the backside and its annoying, the only person ive seen use it is my friend and it looks stupid as hell :lol:
agreed, feels like apple is just putting out products that seem to get "better" to get people to keep upgrading & cuffing up the $$...not much of a difference besides 2-3 things, I can live without those things until the 6 comes out.
Apple is just milking Iphone at this point. 

The 5C is just a Iphone 5 with cheaper materials. Apple could have easily continued producing the Iphone 5. They want to force users to buy the 5S if they want that aluminum body.

I bet plenty of people were waiting for that $100 price drop for the Iphone 5.

I feel like this is worth reiterating, because alot of people in the coming months will be pissed the 5 isn't available anymore and have to shell out $200+ on contract for the 5s or take the plastic 5c. Retailers will sell off the remaining stock and once those last units move its a wrap for the iPhone 5.
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agreed, feels like apple is just putting out products that seem to get "better" to get people to keep upgrading & cuffing up the $$...not much of a difference besides 2-3 things, I can live without those things until the 6 comes out.

Apple did start this with the 3gs and the 4s, but its pretty much the trend in techonology. Unless your playing catch up where you would need to innovate every year and release a new design of your product yearly this is gonna be the trend with phone manufactures. The GS3 was a hit for sammy and then the gs4 released with only minor changes. Sure. It had a slightly bigger screen but the changes were small. The htc seems to be doing okay and im sure the next interation of the one or whatever it ends up being called will be somewhat similar.
I just really want to know what you guys want your phones to be able to do at this point..

There are very small things that i wanted out of a new iphone that aren't there but aren't deal breakers. (hardware only)

An LED notification for texts or voicemails would be nice (kinda can be done with a flash im assuming there is an app but thats bright and annoying)
Stereo speakers on the phone (idk why they don't have these yet)
More then 8mp camera ( i don't take lots of pictures so not a big deal to me)
I know you said you don't take a lot of pics, but having more MP doesn't mean much.

You honestly don't need anything more than 6-8 if you're only uploading on your computer.
Im not feeling it. This should have came up with the 4s/5.......feel like apple could have done better. Seems like its eye candy to get sales

Lol hell everything should have come with the 4s using that logical. Apple didn't even buy the biometric company until the time the 4s came out. And you have to test your products you can't just throw stuff in a phone and not thoroughly test it

Subliminal shot at android. :nerd:
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s models>
those graphs from the keynote proves that it is so

Not really. Think about it... The 6 will > the 5s and will be a completely new design that the 6s will just piggy back on.

The 5S is going to be faster, but its an ever going cycle. If you have a 5, theres no point in upgrading right now. When the 6 drops with a new design, even faster, maybe a larger Flash Drive, etc etc. It will be another story..

Each new phone is better than the next. So we can't really say the S model is always better. Because once the 6 drops, the S will be the bottom of the two... So on and so on.

I want to see how this 64 bit OS is, but it won't be any use to me on the iphone really. My ipad is another story though....

I'm keeping my iPhone, but upgrading my to the new ipad this fall. I'm going to give my mini to a family member or my girl. But iOS7 on a 64bit A7 chip + iPad screen = :wow:
s models>
those graphs from the keynote proves that it is so


another guy defending the phone that isnt that great. sure it might be better but its not that much better. aside from playing infinity blade better its not gonna browse the internet better, use twitter better, instagram, etc, etc. the screen is the same, it does everything the same. so unless your playing a crazy game, its nothing special.
What I would want in an iPhone:

- a stylus/being able to write on my phone (a la the Note) but I guess you would need a bigger screen for that...
- a bigger screen, which of course wouldn't happen in an S model
- more memory/sd slot. but we all know Apple won't let that happen. That's their money grab and it makes the most sense business-wise. But at least upgrade the memory tiers to 32, 64, 128gb. But it seems like Memory has slowed down in the past few years, was expecting 4TB external HDD's to be $75-100 by now. Must have been the illeffects of those floods in Thailand.

Things that are unnecessary gimmicks:

- NFC... until they get payments right and generally used everywhere ( but for now, bro, why would I want to come near you and touch my phone to your phone to send/receive a video/song etc... that's completely assbackwards from just being able to send it via iMessage from across the room to across the world)
- autoscrolling with your eyes - doesn't work and strains my eyes trying to get it to work
- turning away to pause video
- air hover swipe!!!!! ZOMG - works half the time and when it does it over swipes and doesn't go to where you want to. Why don't you just touch your screen which is Only 2 inches lower and swipe with your finger.. it'll work 99.9% all the time.

Like I just dont get why dudes dont understand that if you have a 5 only buy non S models, if you have a 4s only buy the S models.

Like Apple has been doing this since 2009 with the 3Gs and people cry every year.

If you have the iphone 5 YOU DONT NEED THE 5S, so dont try to downplay it because you want to validate that you arent purchasing the 5S. there are people with 4 and 4s and the 5S will be a HUGE update for them. The iphone 5 in itself is a Beastly phone still till this day. The 5S isnt coming out for iPhone 5 years because 95% of iphone 5 users arent even eligible for an upgrade, so why would Apple care to impress you? You serve them no purpose, the people who arent eligible for an upgrade that want the phone will pay full price regardless.
On the fence about upgrading. I like all the new camera features, these wont be available on the 5 on iOS7 right? 

Eh... If I can walk in and buy one I may just upgrade, because there seems to be no preorder for the 5S.
What I would want in an iPhone:

- a stylus/being able to write on my phone (a la the Note) but I guess you would need a bigger screen for that...
- a bigger screen, which of course wouldn't happen in an S model
- more memory/sd slot. but we all know Apple won't let that happen. That's their money grab and it makes the most sense business-wise. But at least upgrade the memory tiers to 32, 64, 128gb. But it seems like Memory has slowed down in the past few years, was expecting 4TB external HDD's to be $75-100 by now. Must have been the illeffects of those floods in Thailand.

Things that are unnecessary gimmicks:

- NFC... until they get payments right and generally used everywhere ( but for now, bro, why would I want to come near you and touch my phone to your phone to send/receive a video/song etc... that's completely assbackwards from just being able to send it via iMessage from across the room to across the world)
- autoscrolling with your eyes - doesn't work and strains my eyes trying to get it to work
- turning away to pause video
- air hover swipe!!!!! ZOMG - works half the time and when it does it over swipes and doesn't go to where you want to. Why don't you just touch your screen which is Only 2 inches lower and swipe with your finger.. it'll work 99.9% all the time.

No hate but I honestly don't think that NFC is a gimmick. I agree it hasn't reached its fullest potential yet, but even now it is a very useful thing to have. Things like large volumes of media, I was on vacation in Texas in the middle of nowhere (No LTE) and we took a lot of awesome pictures and were able to NFC 100's of them in a matter of seconds while we were out there. Sure, we could have gone home to our WIFI apartments (we live far away from each other) and emailed them/texted them out but half the time I forget. It's really a convenience that is pretty useful. 
On the fence about upgrading. I like all the new camera features, these wont be available on the 5 on iOS7 right? 

Eh... If I can walk in and buy one I may just upgrade, because there seems to be no preorder for the 5S.

If you have a 5 you dont need the 5s bro, I`m getting it for 2 reasons: 1. Because I`m gonna resale it for the iPhone 6 next year, 2.I just want it and I decided not to get a PS4 right now. So I would say get it because you just want something new. The 5 runs like butter with ios7.

for example only reason I bought the iphone 4S is because I worked at Verizon at the time and had 2 upgrades per year so I said why the heck not, oh and the camera was better than my 4.
The s models are always an improvement on the new number model & always has features that the 1st edition doesn't/won't have.

So when you think about it..... s models >>>>>

People go crazy for the new number models because it's a brand new design & they want to have it first. But they don't do anything that the previous s model cant do.

I guess it's all relative depending on what you value most, but that's my opinion on it.
What I would want in an iPhone:

- air hover swipe!!!!! ZOMG - works half the time and when it does it over swipes and doesn't go to where you want to. Why don't you just touch your screen which is Only 2 inches lower and swipe with your finger.. it'll work 99.9% all the time.


I wholeheartedly agree. I look at features like these and think: yea, that's nice but where is the application for daily living. Like he said, the phone is literally 2 inches away from you.

The only things apple can do for me at this point...

1. Advanced LTE

2. bigger screen

3. True mobile payments solution. I think the fingerprint scanner is the first step towards that, but it will take time to implement and get retailers on board; which is why the 5s is not worth upgrading to right now from the 5.
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