April 2008 WDYWT Post!


Are those Koston 3's?
Originally Posted by micmorales

John, congrats on the 7 year anny my man!

my 7year anny is coming up in October...where does the time go?!

Thanks Mike. Time was spent on the kids.
What' Up everybody! It's been a while. I'm seeing some nice stuff. What's up with all the 3s? Makes me feel ashamed to rock my Fire Reds. StashForces

Here's what I wore the past week:
wore this for the past 2 days. for my lil cousins boxing tournament. runs in the family. check the eyebrow, looks hard dont it? lol.

oh and yes.... i did stuff them.. did it back in the day and why not... i still got my youth.




simple no colorful skinny jeans for me.
Originally Posted by j2o

I know Sue...one of my favorite colorways I did. I am jealous of your AM game.


lol, thanks that's exactly how i feel about your AM collection along w/a few other nters ...there's a lot more am's that i am still huntingfor
...and if nike puts the colors back up i will have more of yourid's

nice 3's everyone...can't wait until October
Originally Posted by crisone

Kuya Cris, u dont work in the hospital no more?

..............I still work there, casual Friday, and I work in Distribution, so we got a receiving/shipping dock, where I snapped my bottom half pic.

My buddy just got a job at the Laurel Grove Rehab/Care Center at Eden Medical as a Rec Therapist. I'm siked because I've been dying to have afriend move back into the bay area (not sure if it's necessarily even considered that, but it look close enough for me?) so I can go out and visit. I've actually got another friend moving into the city as well, pretty much around the same time. Can't wait to come out there and visit.
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