*** APRIL 2009 PICK-UP THREAD (DO NOT QUOTE PICS): APRIL is here, and NT ain't slowin' down! ***

jamminbyalias good luck bro! gotta sacrifice your collection for the ring,def worth it...

anyway got the xv a few days ago from ebay for 52 bucks, was surprised it was DS considering the seller said they were worn a couple of times...and finally gotmy pacman shirt from franco shade this afternoon...
Originally Posted by jamminbyalias

As some of you might know, I sold off about 50 pairs from my personal collection a week or 2 ago. Put most of the money towards this. Planning on popping the question tomorrow.

Go Get Em Tiger!

jae gage- sorry to ask.. but how do u multiple quote?
(NT nub)
Originally Posted by arisorous

jae gage- sorry to ask.. but how do u multiple quote?
(NT nub)
There's probably an easier way, I just open the posts I want to quote in individual windows.Then copy & paste to my reply.
^^ok... sounds good. Here's a some unexpected pick ups at HOH LA...
first this shirt for the freshwaters.

then impulse... i like it a lot.
^^^JJfreak, if you dont mind me asking, where'd you cop those shorts. Specifically the Oak Hills
I got the Memphis FedEx and Tennessee throwbacks off of eBay, and I got the Oak Hills from another NT member.
Originally Posted by Jae Gage

Originally Posted by arisorous

jae gage- sorry to ask.. but how do u multiple quote?
(NT nub)
There's probably an easier way, I just open the posts I want to quote in individual windows. Then copy & paste to my reply.
i've always wondered how you did double quotes

nice pick ups NT!

nycpushhead yeah i love them, they were limited to 502 pieces
Not cuttin it tho.If u have a size 10.5 I will trade u these, cactus foams sz 11 and 50-60 cash.Sipping first.These are a size 10.
nice foams royal hoh they bring out again dude or you got for reseller ......

What can i said i love you chinise people once again thanks you tensy good looks baby
aj vi ds

aj ix ds
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