April Wrestling Thread/NTWT Weekend Edition/WM April 10th 2021


@PLVN @dcallamerican

Nakamuras comment :lol: :pimp:

Summer "Hawk Face" Rae commenting like anyone cares about her or what she's got to say..#KeepYoAssInTheKitchen
Man my washed self tapped out right in the middle of the WWE Triple Threat.

Caught the rest of FastLane early this morning.

Me when I saw that My Cheerio did not in fact decapitate himself on that outside dive:


WWE championship match was solid.

That knee TNDB hit Mufasa with to win the match was nice.

Looking forward to seeing how Kofi gets his Mania title match.

Wonder what the plan is for My Cheerio going forward? He's pretty much been an afterthought since he came byke. :ohwell:

And the Stunner does not fit with him.

The Shield match went how you'd expect since it is the "last time ever.............until the next time" for the group.

Roman calling Corbin a BAN. :lol:

The fact that they've been more focal on commentary about Dean leaving makes me believe that he won't. Wonder what the plan is for him and Roman at Mania.

I figured Charlotte/Becky match would've ended in shenanigans.

Kayfabe Rousey really looks like a complete idiot for purposely adding Becky to match and decreasing her chances of winning.

I think the Mania match will be GOODT, but I'm so over this Becky/Charlotte/Ronda nonsense.

If Vince insisted on adding Charlotte to the match he could've had her bring up the fact that Becky's Rumble win was tainted because she was never officially part of the match, have them have a match like last night where Charlotte gets added if she beats Becky then go from there.

Overall FastLane wasn't a bad show.

-Miz&Shane vs. Uso was alright. You knew a heel turn was coming for weeks, I just thought it would be Miz turning on Shane. Interesting with Shane doing it.

- The US title match was very GOODT! Joe needs a serious title run to add some legitimacy to his character and the US Title as a whole. A great way to do this is to have him fight Cena @ Mania and choke him out.

- The Raw tag team triple threat was GOODT! Vince seems to be really behind Cirque Du O'shea and Alabaster Black (for now). I like both of those dudes but for God's sake stop making them talk. Rick got dat 2K19 CAW delivery and Black sounds like a Costco worker doing a villain impersonation.

Interesting in seeing what happens on Raw tonight.

After all we are officially on the ROAD TO WRESTLEMANIA!!!!!

*points at sign*
Wonder what the plan is for My Cheerio going forward? He's pretty much been an afterthought since he came byke. :ohwell:

Really? Cause I've been seeing him featured at the forefront since his recent return.
A lot of KO promos & he stepped right in for a Title shot about 2 weeks after he came byke.
Man my washed self tapped out right in the middle of the WWE Triple Threat.

Caught the rest of FastLane early this morning.

Me when I saw that My Cheerio did not in fact decapitate himself on that outside dive:


WWE championship match was solid.

That knee TNDB hit Mufasa with to win the match was nice.

Looking forward to seeing how Kofi gets his Mania title match.

Wonder what the plan is for My Cheerio going forward? He's pretty much been an afterthought since he came byke. :ohwell:

And the Stunner does not fit with him.

The Shield match went how you'd expect since it is the "last time ever.............until the next time" for the group.

Roman calling Corbin a BAN. :lol:

The fact that they've been more focal on commentary about Dean leaving makes me believe that he won't. Wonder what the plan is for him and Roman at Mania.

I figured Charlotte/Becky match would've ended in shenanigans.

Kayfabe Rousey really looks like a complete idiot for purposely adding Becky to match and decreasing her chances of winning.

I think the Mania match will be GOODT, but I'm so over this Becky/Charlotte/Ronda nonsense.

If Vince insisted on adding Charlotte to the match he could've had her bring up the fact that Becky's Rumble win was tainted because she was never officially part of the match, have them have a match like last night where Charlotte gets added if she beats Becky then go from there.

Overall FastLane wasn't a bad show.

-Miz&Shane vs. Uso was alright. You knew a heel turn was coming for weeks, I just thought it would be Miz turning on Shane. Interesting with Shane doing it.

- The US title match was very GOODT! Joe needs a serious title run to add some legitimacy to his character and the US Title as a whole. A great way to do this is to have him fight Cena @ Mania and choke him out.

- The Raw tag team triple threat was GOODT! Vince seems to be really behind Cirque Du O'shea and Alabaster Black (for now). I like both of those dudes but for God's sake stop making them talk. Rick got dat 2K19 CAW delivery and Black sounds like a Costco worker doing a villain impersonation.

Interesting in seeing what happens on Raw tonight.

After all we are officially on the ROAD TO WRESTLEMANIA!!!!!

*points at sign*

They set back KO like three years with the rushed return. It should have been Bryan vs Ali for the title at Fastlane all along.
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