April Wrestling Thread/NTWT Weekend Edition/WM April 10th 2021

Observation from afar... @King of Trash Style and CleanestNdaCity CleanestNdaCity having on sight beef then becoming potential allies being eerily reminiscent of me and Jules feud from years past... FB5F293D-9A62-40E2-B655-5CDE0915C241.png C28AAB88-A137-4A95-8943-BB3B0E5B5C3C.png
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- Eye did not see the kickoff show

- Miz/Shane vs Usos was actually a good match. Miz was putting in some work and the spot where Shane was going to do coast to coast but ended up dropkicking the Uce that was attempting the frog splash was really cool. We knew the turn was coming at some point. Doing IT in Cleveland made IT better.

- Took the dog out for a walk during the Oscar/Amanda Rose match. I'm assuming IT wasn't a particularly good match.

- Bar vs Kofi got a lot of heat on Vince and made the crowd want Kofi to succeed even more. This was an obvious bump for Kofi's Mania push.

- Raw Tag Triple Threat was really fun. Everyone looked good. Black and O'Shea are definitely primed for a huge push.

- US Championsip Fatal 4Way was awesome. I enjoyed the one on SD, and this one was even better. Everyone got a chance to shine.

- Can't really remember anything in particular about the Women's Tag Match itself. Tameana and the fat cow Nia Jacks assaulting Beth Fenix after the match was pretty cool though.

- WWE Championship Triple Threat was another fantastic match with a great finish. Still don't really see why Moostafa is in this spot, but he can put on a hell of a match. That 450 onto the apron was wild.

- Becky vs Sharlit was weak, but I didn't really expect IT to be anything special anyways. Figured that there would be some chicanery involved to get IT to be a triple threat at Mania.

- I think we all knew what the outcome of Shield vs Bobrin/Trash/Drew Mac would be. Enjoyable match and all the classic spots were hit.

Knowing that IT was a an obvious filler PPV a month before Mania was inherently going to make IT seem a bit predictable, but thought the PPV was enjoyable overall.

Well thought out review, fam.

No comparisons to other promotions.

Most importantly, you enjoyed yourself.

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