April Wrestling Thread/NTWT Weekend Edition/WM April 10th 2021


I legit had 150 of these guys none of which it over $100. CM Punk is my most expensive at 100 I'm getting out of it just to collect what I really like IE TMNT IronMan suits a few wwe and bruce lee. They get addicting marvel was so hard to keep up, starting to sell my collection off now.

Yea I had to kill Marvel off VERY quickly. They legit make a pop for every scene lmao

I just have the 4 Killmongers, 3 Stan lee cameos, the 711 Deadpool and the metallic thanos’ now.

Might off the thanos’ after Endgame tbh
Why would DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican marry his wife if he has a problem with her?


Look at the portait.

Cormier's wife is not a sista.

Culturally to him it's an issue.

The guy started a thread asking if dudes iron their clothes because it's a cultural thing.

Still trying to wrap my mind as to what in the blue hell that means.
Glad I didn't spend the time to locate & post the Terry Funk content with him talking about the origins
of Americans wrestling in New Japan...went they first went over & how it all developed...
at least i got to hear it

danger style danger style
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