April Wrestling Thread/NTWT Weekend Edition/WM April 10th 2021

Oh yeah. Want to update you guys. So my dad has a chance. Cancer hasn’t spread outside the liver. Suregeon thinks he can go in there and remove it. He wants to inject chemo first to try and reduce the size of the tumor so he can leave more liver leftover. Right now, there would only be 50% left. My dad needs more because he is diabetic. Basically my dad is even lucky to have a chance because most people diagnosed with this type of cancer don’t even have a chance.

Prayers go out to your dad and whole family, man. Stay strong yall!
Watch The Inventor on HBO

you wont regret IT



Watched IT the other night.

**** crazy.

Waaay too detailed for my liking :sick:


Watching the second part tomorrow

Anyone watch Behind the Curve? Those Flat Earthers man...

I watched it..Stuff was crazy..These fools really think the Earth was flat..Them last couple minutes was pure comedy though..

BTW, glad to hear about your dad..I hope his fight is a successful one..
Oh yeah. Want to update you guys. So my dad has a chance. Cancer hasn’t spread outside the liver. Suregeon thinks he can go in there and remove it. He wants to inject chemo first to try and reduce the size of the tumor so he can leave more liver leftover. Right now, there would only be 50% left. My dad needs more because he is diabetic. Basically my dad is even lucky to have a chance because most people diagnosed with this type of cancer don’t even have a chance.

Glad to hear the good news! Still keeping y’all in my thoughts and prayers, man.
  • The Wrestling Observer Newsletternotes that John Cena is still definitely scheduled to wrestle a match at WrestleMania 35, but it’s still unclear who he will be wrestling.
  • They also say that the SmackDown tag team titles will be defended on the show, and the women’s battle royal is also going to happen again.
  • Speaking of all this, WrestleMania 35 is looking like a “16 or more match show,” per the Observer. It could go over seven hours.

:wow: 7 hours
Takeover 2 hours
HoF 2-3 hours
WM35 7 hours

Not to mention the Indy shows that weekend.

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