April Wrestling Thread/NTWT Weekend Edition/WM April 10th 2021

youngogjosh youngogjosh

seems like they were high on him not just because he was simone biles bf. guess the risk aint worth it, cant' blame him

seems like they were high on him not just because he was simone biles bf. guess the risk aint worth it, cant' blame him

I dont think that's fords fault either looked like dude thought he wanted to reverse it by doing a back flip but changed his mind mid move.

seems like they were high on him not just because he was simone biles bf. guess the risk aint worth it, cant' blame him

Damn, I remember posting that video of Montez dropping him on his neck :sick:

Wasn't he recently getting rave reviews too?

He had a beautiful moonsault
Oh WOW that fatal 4 way

Okay that was forgettable I must admit
I was there and I forgot it happened lol. It was my "go get food/bathroom break" match. I only remembered it happened because I left as Charlotte started her entrance
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