April Wrestling Thread/NTWT Weekend Edition/WM April 10th 2021

I hope they limit the promo videos for the matches this year I don’t need a 5 min video package for a two minute match. They only have 5 really that need those to get people hype.

Asuka vs Naomi should be the match. I don’t think Sonya or Mandy should be in there with her.
JBII JBII what you gettin into tonight?

Just got back from Vegas with big money 8)
Brooklyn..Know any good spots that I can take the fam?..

I know of a few spots in BK.

La Superior - really good Mexican food.
La Isla cuchifritos - Spanish
El Gran Castillo de jagua - Spanish
Best Pizza
Crif Dogs - hot dog spot. Got like 20 different types.
Pops of Brooklyn - burger joint

Just really been to those when I go visit my cousin who lives in Williamsburg.

There is a wine bar called The Four Horsemen. Never been but a wrestling fan has to go atleast once :lol:

Going back to the Invasion stuff from the other day, this was a match where WCW guys won, but looked like total goofs and ******* during it. And after the match, Albert, Big Show, and Billy Gunn beat the crap out of all of them :rofl: :rofl:
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