April Wrestling Thread/NTWT Weekend Edition/WM April 10th 2021

Who would the crowd be most upset with losing at Mania: Seth, Becky, Kofi?

Hard to say, but I'm going Kofi slightly more than Becky. In terms of investment behind the sympathetic babyface, they're somewhat on the same level, though I feel interest has waned (just a bit) with Becky's character because of how much they bungled her storyline compared to Kofi's...especially considered how he got inserted in this spot last month, and is reaping the benefits of Mustafa Ali's injury (who was oringinally supposed to be in the Kofi role...how they would have gone, I'm not sure)

Universally (No pun intended), the majority of the fans expect Seth to fall short at capturing the Universal Championship, so they most likely won't be as outraged if he loses compared to if Kofi or Becky were to lose.

Who would the crowd be most upset with losing at Mania: Seth, Becky, Kofi?
Seth: No way. Just disappointment. He has cooled off significantly since his first IC title run

I think definitely Kofi. He's the most over person on the entire roster right now. And with New Day hinting at the racism angle, it'd feel like Booker T all over again if he lost after all Vince put them through. Bryan winning would destroy the entire purpose of #KofiMania and the only story with an organic build
Seth: No way. Just disappointment. He has cooled off significantly since his first IC title run

I think definitely Kofi. He's the most over person on the entire roster right now. And with New Day hinting at the racism angle, it'd feel like Booker T all over again. Bryan winning would destroy the entire purpose of #KofiMania and the only story with an organic build

So what you're saying is that Kofi is going to lose?
I still remember the taste of Booty-Os

WWE staff were giving out free samples back when they had a live show in the Philippines in 2016

... and now Kofimania :pimp:
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