April Wrestling Thread/NTWT Weekend Edition/WM April 10th 2021

If Kofi wins at Mania, how soon do you turn Big E heel?

WWE bout to pull a Kevin on this one...

^^Kofi seems like the logical choice to turn heel if he wins, and kick Woods and E to the curb.

But hopefully they don't break them up.

I can see a heel turn though with 2 heaters to replace Woods and E.

The way wwe going with these angles

Kofi losing. The hint of racism to this angle will bring the most social media attention to wwe which we all know is all they care about. The media frezy from him losing will be wilder and bigger than him winning

Becky losing. Ronda will win both titles and quit. Then they’ll refresh both belts on each show. Trash

If anything Seth will win. Bc when you ppl complain and whine to wwe about how you didn’t give you what you wanted, they just gonna say “ oh wel Seth won!”

And no one will care bc it will be overshadowed by the outrage news articles and twitter takes on tout
Are you a TMNT fan?

Huge fan. You’re probably thinking if I’m a huge fan then why I passed on the TMNT NECA. I just couldn’t justify paying 50 dollars for it. For the whole set it’s 200. Way too much. Back in the day, I would never hesitate. Now that I’m a family man, just rather spend it on my kids.

The way wwe going with these angles

Kofi losing. The hint of racism to this angle will bring the most social media attention to wwe which we all know is all they care about. The media frezy from him losing will be wilder and bigger than him winning

Becky losing. Ronda will win both titles and quit. Then they’ll refresh both belts on each show. Trash

If anything Seth will win. Bc when you ppl complain and whine to wwe about how you didn’t give you what you wanted, they just gonna say “ oh wel Seth won!”

And no one will care bc it will be overshadowed by the outrage news articles and twitter takes on tout
Push me to the edge , WWE is dead. Push me to the edge, WWE is dead.
Vince don’t really care if y’all cry. Push me to the edge, WWE is dead.

The way wwe going with these angles

Kofi losing. The hint of racism to this angle will bring the most social media attention to wwe which we all know is all they care about. The media frezy from him losing will be wilder and bigger than him winning

Becky losing. Ronda will win both titles and quit. Then they’ll refresh both belts on each show. Trash

If anything Seth will win. Bc when you ppl complain and whine to wwe about how you didn’t give you what you wanted, they just gonna say “ oh wel Seth won!”

And no one will care bc it will be overshadowed by the outrage news articles and twitter takes on tout
Seth is losing so the big Dong can take the belt off Brock.
I remember during the (it was Kazaa) days I came across a video and I was sure it was her by her voice but I knew nothing and was downloading off the titles alone and Nidia was just in a bathroom walking around nude then she got in an empty tub and enjoyed herself. :lol: It was one of those videos that downloaded QUICK and could remove. Kazaa exposed me to a lot of stuff and I fell for some stupid videos based on the title but I never researched to see if it was her actually...:nerd:anyone recall if there was a video out then?
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NXT preview (Mar. 27, 2019): A quick build
NXT returns to us tonight (Mar. 27) with their second episode from the most recent set of tapings.

Here’s what’s advertised for tonight:

  • The Forgotten Sons vs. Ricochet & Aleister Black in the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic finals
  • Adam Cole and Johnny Gargano go face to face
  • Matt Riddle vs. Kona Reeves
  • Kacy Catanzaro & Lacey Lane vs. Aliyah and Vanessa Borne
As per usual, here are our five questions about NXT tonight:

1) How do they sell the title match on the fly?

NXT had a story ready for their top championship at TakeOver: New York. It had been one they’ve been telling for over a year between Tommaso Ciampa and Johnny Gargano.

But then Ciampa had to relinquish his title due to neck surgery and now the match will be Gargano vs. Adam Cole in a two out of three falls match.

That is going to be a great match, but there’s no story to it. And they only have two weeks to add a little more than awesome match for the NXT title. Of course, “awesome match for the NXT title” is pretty damn good as it is. However, they should be able to add a little more depth to this match to give a finishing touch.

It’ll never be as good as the finish to an epic story. But a good promo, perhaps bringing up any history they share, could help get fans excited.

2) What is the tag title match at TakeOver in store for?

The Dusty Finals tonight pit Ricochet and Aleister Black against the Forgotten Sons. The winner face War Raiders at TakeOver: New York in a few weeks. Whoever wins this match leaves that match in a weird position.

If Ric and Black win, it takes most of the surprise out of the finish. These guys are in the Raw tag scene already. There’s little chance they win the NXT tag titles. It’ll be the better of the two matches, but there won’t be much drama.

On the other hand the Forgotten Sons are the more underwhelming option. They’re still just a generic biker gang who have put on a bunch of OK matches. The Forgotten Sons vs. the Forgotten Vikings is a match that’s going to be tough to get excited for. The Raiders are good in the ring, but they’re lacking as much character as the Sons are. The Sons will be able to hang with them, but the other match would be better. However, at least we’d have a little bit more unpredictability in the finish.

3) How long does the Finest hang with the Bro?

The Finest Kona Reeves is still happening. This week, he’ll face a man who’s hair is finer than his when he meets Matt Riddle.

This is a tune up match for the Bro. He’s got a date with the Velveteen Dream at TakeOver: New York. So he shouldn’t struggle too much with the Finest, who is pretty much enhancement talent when he’s on TV at all

Does the Finest give the Bro a run for his money prior to his North American title match? Or does Riddle have Reeves tapping within three minutes?

4) Will Kacy wow us?

Despite a stint in the Mae Young Classic and a Royal Rumble appearance, this is actually Kacy Catanzaro’s first NXT TV match.

She’ll be teaming with fellow MYC competitor Lacey Lane to take on the new heel duo of Aliyah and Vanessa Borne. While Aliyah and Borne are likely the intended spotlight, it’s the new duo that may impress.

Lacey showed that she has a lot of potential in the MYC. And Kacy with her Ninja Warrior background has already displayed some incredible feats. Remember this one in the Rumble? While I don’t expect something of that caliber in this match, we’ll likely see one or two things that seem to defy physics.

5) Can there be two Laceys?

This has nothing to do with NXT tonight, but seeing Lacey Lane having a match, and reading about Mustafa Ali losing his name, had me wondering if WWE will allow two Laceys.

With Lacey Evans on the main roster, it’s possible there comes a days where two Laceys share the same stage. And it’s unique enough name that I can see WWE not allowing two.

Not that there haven’t been people with the same name, but I can’t think of one right now outside Bobby Roode and Bobby Lashley (or is he just Lashley now?). Women have avoided the name slash more than men, but this is something I’ll be keeping an eye on.
Why did two random producers/agents come out to celebrate Kofi? :lol: This video is so dope to see but loved Sexton leaving the table the most.
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