April Wrestling Thread/NTWT Weekend Edition/WM April 10th 2021

Last nights SD isn't on the Network for viewing yet, or am I blind? I'm trying to watch Angle/Styles.
Damn y'all still throwing hissy fits over Oscar losing?


I'm down to see that

The way wwe going with these angles

Kofi losing. The hint of racism to this angle will bring the most social media attention to wwe which we all know is all they care about. The media frezy from him losing will be wilder and bigger than him winning

Becky losing. Ronda will win both titles and quit. Then they’ll refresh both belts on each show. Trash

If anything Seth will win. Bc when you ppl complain and whine to wwe about how you didn’t give you what you wanted, they just gonna say “ oh wel Seth won!”

And no one will care bc it will be overshadowed by the outrage news articles and twitter takes on tout

Man I hate to say this but wwe would do this.
Mania card shaping up pretty nicely for the most part...

- Kofi/Bryan, Brock/Seth, Women's Triple Threat, AJ/Orton, Big Dong/Drew Mack should all be really good.
- Batista/HHH will be whatever. Cool entrances at least.
- Andre Battle Royal is the best use for Braun. Gets to just throw people out of the ring and be strong. Unless there is some kind of crazy stipulation, his matches all suck.
- Glad they didn't force some stupid Oscar vs Amanda Rose match. Let them do that stuff in the Women's Andre match.
- Still assume Cena ends up taking Corbin's place against Angle in some manner. Perfect send off for Kurt.
- I don't watch 205 Live, but all of Bud Murphy's matches on PPVs have been awesome.

Not so great stuff...

- Finn getting stuck with garbage *** Bob Trashley in a singles match. Should've done a multi-man match with a stipulation or something so we don't have to focus on how terrible Trashley is.
- While the match should still be solid without him, I really wish Andrade was put in the US Title match with Samoan Joe and Ray.
- Miz/Shane actually has a solid build, but their match is going to be meh. Falls count anywhere stipulation does help though.
- Women's tag division has been pretty boring. Hopefully the EYEconics win. They are best for business.
- No clue what they are doing with either mens tag division :lol:
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