April Wrestling Thread/NTWT Weekend Edition/WM April 10th 2021

"Watch out! Pearl Harbor job by Muraco!...Obvious game plan laid out by Fuji." - Monsoon

"And if anybody would know about Pearl Harbor certainly Fuji would!" - Mean Gene
Meangene45 Meangene45 :rofl:
every since i got my wife into wrestling she been bugging me about going to wrestlemania. i dont think she understand how long that ish is. Im like naw im good.
every since i got my wife into wrestling she been bugging me about going to wrestlemania. i dont think she understand how long that ish is. Im like naw im good.

That sht is EXHAUSTING, for real. After 33 in Orlando, I swore off ever going back unless it came to Indianapolis, but I'm seriously thinking about Tampa next year.
every since i got my wife into wrestling she been bugging me about going to wrestlemania. i dont think she understand how long that ish is. Im like naw im good.

You and her might enjoy it.

Try for next year in Tampa.
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