April Wrestling Thread/NTWT Weekend Edition/WM April 10th 2021

Velveteen came out on a couch:rofl:


Axxess about to be crazy. I wonder who from Raw and SD will be in this.

Been doing some random binging today of '98 and just being reminded of things I already knew or forgot about:

- Sable was so trash as a wrestler :rofl: :rofl: she was coddled and had her hand held more than Alexa ever has :lol: watching random matches of hers she's just getting walked through her matches and aided in her finisher. She was the original blonde Eva Marie but had actual sex appeal.
- HHH was the least over in DX. Everybody in the group was very popular, but X-Pac, the Outlaws and gradually Chyna were all outpopping him. He was the leats appealing face out of all of them as well.
Been doing some random binging today of '98 and just being reminded of things I already knew or forgot about:

- Sable was so trash as a wrestler :rofl: :rofl: she was coddled and had her hand held more than Alexa ever has :lol: watching random matches of hers she's just getting walked through her matches and aided in her finisher. She was the original blonde Eva Marie but had actual sex appeal.
- HHH was the least over in DX. Everybody in the group was very popular, but X-Pac, the Outlaws and gradually Chyna were all outpopping him. He was the leats appealing face out of all of them as well.
been binge watching ppvs too started with in your house finished all of those. Now im on summerslam lol
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