April Wrestling Thread/NTWT Weekend Edition/WM April 10th 2021




eddie vs kurt on right now from mania xx

Watching HBK/Taker from 25 on this.

Forgot how crazy that bump was when Taker missed his dive. Dude left a dent on the padding...

Houston getting loud for this match during the finishing stretch (and then you think about their reaction to Orton/HHH later in the night :lol:)

The moonsault counter into the tombstone finish was actually what I had envisioned for the match when I daydreamed about how it would play out so when they actually went for it, I marked out hard.
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Watching HBK/Taker from 25 on this.

Forgot how crazy that bump was when Taker missed his dive. Dude left a dent on the padding...

Houston getting loud for this match during the finishing stretch (and then you think about their reaction to Orton/HHH later in the night :lol:)

The moonsault counter into the tombstone finish was actually what I had envisioned for the match when I daydreamed about how it would play out so when they actually went for it, I marked out hard.
Nothing beats taker/hbk in the wwe. Its the best match i have ever seen in the wwe. Only thing close is bret/Austin submission match and thats a distant 2nd imo.
Nothing beats taker/hbk in the wwe. Its the best match i have ever seen in the wwe. Only thing close is bret/Austin submission match and thats a distant 2nd imo.

I cant argue with you on those at all..I'd put SCSA/Bret above it because of the greatest double turn in modern wrestling history..But I'd have to throw Steamboat/Savage from III in there too..
Nothing beats taker/hbk in the wwe. Its the best match i have ever seen in the wwe. Only thing close is bret/Austin submission match and thats a distant 2nd imo.
And to think that match happened because HBK was "broke" and worked for JBL :lol:
I cant argue with you on those at all..I'd put SCSA/Bret above it because of the greatest double turn in modern wrestling history..But I'd have to throw Steamboat/Savage from III in there too..
gotta give steamboat/Savage a proper sit down and watch again with no distractions before i judge it :pimp:
wiki lists 14 matches thus far scheduled for WM35

I got it down to 8 necessary matches - 1 pre-show, 7 main show
(down almost half)

Men's Battle Royale (pre-show)

Lesnar v Rollins
Rousey v Charlotte v Lynch
Triple H v Batista (only one 'best for business' match on the card please, sorry shane)
Angle v Corbin (or Angle v whoever)
Lashley v Baylor
Women's Tag Title Match
D-Bry v Kofi

...of course they'll probably end up with even more...
where chena at tho?br?...
these 6 i deem unnecessary:
even for pre-show

Women's BR
Murphy vs jobber
Shane v Miz
Styles v Orton
Samoa Joe v Rey
Raines v MacIntosh
these 6 i deem unnecessary:
even for pre-show

Women's BR
Murphy vs jobber
Shane v Miz
Styles v Orton
Samoa Joe v Rey
Raines v MacIntosh

Honestly they should've just kept the US title on Truth and had Joe win it vs Rey, Truth, and Almas in a 4 Way at Mania. Truth is perpetually over and would have only helped that match. Shane/Miz and Orton/Styles probably have the best builds of those listed.
Andrade in the jobber battle royale :smh:

Went from seemingly Wrestlemania feud with Rey to it being dropped randomly and doing nothing

Maybe that rumor of him telling wrestlers not to sign with WWE is true and he's being punished for it.
Honestly they should've just kept the US title on Truth and had Joe win it vs Rey, Truth, and Almas in a 4 Way at Mania. Truth is perpetually over and would have only helped that match. Shane/Miz and Orton/Styles probably have the best builds of those listed.

Any matches you'd take off the card if you could?
To have a balanced show that isn't too long...
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