April Wrestling Thread/NTWT Weekend Edition/WM April 10th 2021

Any matches you'd take off the card if you could?
To have a balanced show that isn't too long...

Basically 3 of the 6 you listed :lol: women’s battle royal, Andre battle royal, and the CW match. There’s no way you can take off Reigns/Drew despite my lack of interest in it. Shane/Miz and Orton/AJ both have good builds with crowd investment. I have no interest in seeing Corbin as Angle’s last opponent (if that’s still the route they’re going), but it’s Angle’s last match, so you can’t get rid of that one either. Lashley/Finn I feel like is a match that could get bumped and they’d have a great match the next night on Raw.
One thing that can not be denied is Alexa Bliss' luxurious natural hair on top.
Thick hair, small forehead, strong hairline. :evil: Very attractive attribute in my book.
Almost necessary imo.



Smh texted on ig to one of my stoopid rich white **** a text i was suppose to tell my boi.. she proly saw that **** without opening. #hhdrunkcronicles
  • The Observer is saying WWE has a deal “on the table” with John Cena for a WrestleMania 35 match and that match would not be against Kurt Angle.
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