April Wrestling Thread/NTWT Weekend Edition/WM April 10th 2021

oiled up men grappling in underwear and soap opera storylines aside, its still baffling to see grown *** black men supporting racist *** Vince mcman and his products in 2019. I sincerely pray xfl 2.0 bankrupts him and his family

Wrestling is NACAR levels of racist support of not MORE. As a kid I didn’t know but that all changed. At this point what do you expect. When someone says they wast h nascar or wrestling I already know they support trump lol

DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican :smh:

Knew something was off about you

Ask the wrestling dweebs how much WWE I watch/discuss. :lol:
Man just cancel 205 Live and put it out of its misery. Put Buddy Murphy on the main roster and a couple others. The main roster people don’t respect 205 live like the recent comment Roman made.
My whole issue with 205 is there is no rhyme or reason as to who competes in it because there ARE some main roster dudes that could wrestle for 205, but don't.

I mean how is 205 Live any different than Main Event or SuperStars?
I don’t care what people want to watch but don’t play the “na’ah” card when it’s true. Yeah YOU can be an exception but leave it at that
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