April Wrestling Thread/NTWT Weekend Edition/WM April 10th 2021

Can’t compete
green rhino123 green rhino123

I know you are culturally unaware but throughout the history of WWE, can you name me a single black woman that doesn't always perform with extensions/wigs, etc? Why is this the case?

Black hair isn't like hair of white women. It takes more to manage. Black women can't get up and wash their hair each and every day and go on about their business. It is an HOURS long process. Hours that they don't have due to travel and competition.

So it isn't because they want to, it is because they kinda have to.
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green rhino123 green rhino123

I know you are culturally unaware but through the history of WWE, can you name me a single black woman that doesn't always perform with extensions/wigs, etc? Why is this the case?

Black hair isn't like hair of white women. It takes more to manage. Black women can't get up and wash their hair each and every day and go on about their business. It is an HOURS long process. Hours that they don't have due to travel and competition.

So it isn't because they want to, it is because they kinda have to.

green rhino123 green rhino123

I know you are culturally unaware but through the history of WWE, can you name me a single black woman that doesn't always perform with extensions/wigs, etc? Why is this the case?

Black hair isn't like hair of white women. It takes more to manage. Black women can't get up and wash their hair each and every day and go on about their business. It is an HOURS long process. Hours that they don't have due to travel and competition.

So it isn't because they want to, it is because they kinda have to.

I an aware that black woman have sensitive hair which is a problem compounded by comparatively excessive use of poisons to treat the hair.
It's a bad cycle.

But to be clear - I'm not talking about in-ring stuff - I'm talking about a woman unable to go out of her house without wearing a wig or kerchief.
This is undesirable.

And once again you prove yourself to be most "culturally unaware" or at least troll with that gimmick.
I an aware that black woman have sensitive hair which is a problem compounded by comparatively excessive use of poisons to treat the hair.
It's a bad cycle.

But to be clear - I'm not talking about in-ring stuff - I'm talking about a woman unable to go out of her house without wearing a wig or kerchief.
This is undesirable.

And once again you prove yourself to be most "culturally unaware" or at least troll with that gimmick.
I am not even referring to those that rely heavily on toxic products. Female pro athletes that wear their hair natually. People like Serena. Like Naomi. They wear their hair natually, but use extensions/wigs because if they didn't, all of the moisture would have them looking in a manner that takes way too much time to manage. Time they don't have.

So that isn't even just for women that perm their hair.
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