April Wrestling Thread/NTWT Weekend Edition/WM April 10th 2021

Brother Case how are you on this Spicy Sunday?


Interesting thing I just found.

I was going to say that the only black woman that wrestled with her hair NATURAL, was MJ Jenkins.

But apparently she is now with WWE, and guess what?

She is now wearing weaves.

So not only is it a management issue, it might be a reflection of the culture.

I am not even referring to those that rely heavily on toxic products. Female pro athletes that wear their hair natually. People like Serena. Like Naomi. They wear their hair natually, but use extensions/wigs because if they didn't, all of the moisture would have them looking in a manner that takes way too much time to manage. Time they don't have.

So that isn't even just for women that perm their hair.

In combination with innate sensitivity, in many cases the hair is permanently damaged at a young age.
This makes it impossible to achieve a good natural head no matter how much prep time hence the overuse of wigs and kerchiefs.
It's unfortunate.

But as I have previously noted, I am particularly attracted to woman with the trait of thick hair, small foreheads and strong hairlines and this quality is most certainly independent of anything cultural. Seen it expressed across the board though perhaps unevenly.
In combination with innate sensitivity, in many cases the hair is permanently damaged at a young age.
This makes it impossible to achieve a good natural head no matter how much prep time hence the overuse of wigs and kerchiefs.
It's unfortunate.
Please clear up what you are attempting to say here.

I don't want to misinterpret.
Vanessa Borne has no neck and broad shoulders

For clarity I want to say both Naomi & Vanessa are attractive.
Both get people looking at them when they walk into a room.
Naomi may elicit more of an up & down motion of the eyes whereas Vanessa may get more straight eye contact. :lol:
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