April Wrestling Thread/NTWT Weekend Edition/WM April 10th 2021


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if you have any semblance of respect for yourselves and african americans you will not watch RAW tonight.

its one thing to watch black face balor crawl around and do tricks for the crowd.

its another thing to stand with a racist


Most would say if you have any semblance of respect for yourself period, you would never watch RAW. Hogan being there still changes nothing for me. That company hasn't had my interest since maybe AJ/Nakamura last year.
Most would say if you have any semblance of respect for yourself period, you would never watch RAW. Hogan being there still changes nothing for me. That company hasn't had my interest since maybe AJ/Nakamura last year.

big facts. i havent watched that trash for months now.

trying to baby step the rest of these ppl to be better
NBA season.

Naruto Shippuden

You cut out wrassling? Can i ask why? Wwe i get.

Have you watched Baki on netflix, i thought i was guna hate it. The style reminded me of old school 90s anime everything is over the top. Muscle on muscle. Kinda how the SF games are.
i was gonna check raw out tonight since its the first one of the year but if he's gonna be on, i'm not watching.
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