April Wrestling Thread/NTWT Weekend Edition/WM April 10th 2021

You cut out wrassling? Can i ask why? Wwe i get.

Have you watched Baki on netflix, i thought i was guna hate it. The style reminded me of old school 90s anime everything is over the top. Muscle on muscle. Kinda how the SF games are.

nah ill still check a PPV now and then and the big NJ events (havent watched WK yet)

Ive completely stopped watching weekly bc its just garbage imo plain and simple.

To me watching the ppv is all you really need, before each match they go over all the feuds so why waste 5 hrs a week watching monotony when they just summarize it all in 2 mins before the match it was building up toward.

baki nah i havnt heard of it. Ill add to my queue.

Gonna be a min though. I got my focus on finally watching all of shippuden and then my nexflix queue... all daredevil, F is for family new szn, punisher new szn, You among alot more. Im stacked lolol
JoJo is turning into a meatball ever sice Bray got ahold of her

Still would hit.

Yea, because I said it completely the same thing.

Point is, don't tell me not to joke about stuff in here unless you are going to do the same to others about all the off-the wall wild stuff joked about in here.

Stop Crying
Block Me

You got options Blog Boy

Blog boy :rofl:

NBA season.

Naruto Shippuden

Raw > Knicks
Not by much though.
I had to save this gif to my desktop a couple weeks ago because I couldn't find it from just a normal google search. "Black guy turning off tv gif" didn't work :lol:
I've said this before, Kyle O'Reilly is a national treasure. :lol::pimp:

Pretty much any moment/feeling can be encapsulated by a KOR gif.
I wonder if he'll be able to do this kind of stuff on the main roster. During Alexa Bliss's first few months on the main roster she'd do over the top facial expressions then Vince told her to tone it down
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