April Wrestling Thread/NTWT Weekend Edition/WM April 10th 2021

  • In the latest Wrestling Observer Newsletter, it’s noted that “a lot of top NXT talent” would rather stay in NXT and not be called up to Raw or SmackDown. They go on to say at least one top star “dreads” the idea of moving up but others can’t wait to
Hmm let's think top stars:

Adam Cole - Way too much of a company guy, basically his dream to be on the main roster
Velveteen Dream - Wrote Call Me Up Vince on his gear but may be regretting that if his recent tweets are any indication
Kona Reeves - wants the finest things so he'd prefer main roster money over NXT money
Matt Riddle - wants to retire Brock so he probably doesn't care if he goes up or not
Eric Bugenhagen - NXT crowd LOVES him, Vince hates mustaches and rockstars, long last name likely subject to change on the main roster

Conclusion: Report is most likely talking about Eric Bugenhagen
Late Nite NTWT - TGIF/Weekend Edition


Great match

But DAMN did those dudes lose weight.

Rewatching Mania 32 forgot this was real good build for most of the matches. New Day and the big box of cereal with the Dragon ball Z gear :pimp::lol:

Ryder being the most shocking IC win in my life next to Santino...

Sasha in the Eddie gear :pimp::blush:
Dag I’m all late.

TJP will be fine. I still remember him rocking Kobes in the CWC. His match with Ibushi is still a classic. Crazy to think of the final four, only one in the company is Grand Metalik.

Of course Michael Hayes has to show up in his Plantation Finest attire.

As for The Rock, he doesn’t disown his blackness, but golly does he promote his heavily Samoan-ness. It’s probably because of his relationship with his mom. Most of us state we are whatever our mom is (race,religion,etc).

Many wrestlers of previous eras accept the World Heavyweight Title as the same level, but as fans, we all know that there is a difference of if Booker would’ve won it in 2003 to him winning it in 2006. Now the I’ll admit, I respect the Universal Title as equal to the WWE championship, everything can be put to rest if they just put the WWE Title on Kofimania. They won’t, but man it’d nice.
You trippin Case

TJP is a very good technician

But he doesn't have the ability to tell an in-ring story..His matches have little to no psychology..So for all the cool stuff he can do he really can't get anything out of the fans except cheers for when his matches are finished..
But he doesn't have the ability to tell an in-ring story..His matches have little to no psychology..So for all the cool stuff he can do he really can't get anything out of the fans except cheers for when his matches are finished..
Ehhh, I am not holding anything folks do on a forgotten show, that has no buzz, that fans don't give ANY damns about, against them.

When given a real chance to display his talent, CwC, he flourished.
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