April Wrestling Thread/NTWT Weekend Edition/WM April 10th 2021


D Fly D Fly set up the match between me and Manga. It’s time :angry:

Loser leaves town

I'll add it to the card

So far it's

@ihust1e (c) vs. @bigego24 for the NTWT WHC

Case Case (c) vs. @CleanestNdaCity for the NTWT IC

danger style danger style vs. Blue Mamba Blue Mamba
Got booked into a feud I didn't even know was happening
You always demanded for wrestlers to stay in character on social medias

This is what you wanted

I hope you're happy
You know damn well THEY aren't acting IN character.

They are just being extra.

But keep trying.

What up DC? Saw that Rizokan or whatever...interesting movie. I HAD all 3 PS1 NJPW games...still got them today I think.
The RikiDozan movie was solid. I can't even remember where I watched it originally.
How is Becky's twitter character different from her television character?
The LEVEL of "intensity" of the character is what is different

Also, Rhonda is also in the conversation and we know she is acting out of character.
Ronda talking about "fake" this and "bs" that...she breakin' the rules....which was a risk bringing her in...
that she would pull a temper tantrum and then not play nice afterward.

Go home and be a family woman Ronda...cause she doesn't seem all that happy wrestling...
except perhaps on payday...
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