April Wrestling Thread/NTWT Weekend Edition/WM April 10th 2021

The LEVEL of "intensity" of the character is what is different

Also, Rhonda is also in the conversation and we know she is acting out of character.

First you say they're not in character then you say they're in character but the level is different...you are moving the gold posts

Becky smacked HHH in the mouth and assaulted Stephanie Marie McMahon Helmsley...that's a high level of intensity

She will be fined if she uses dirty words on TV so that's why she saves it for Twitter
Oscar look like Bolo with a zesty wig on in that avi...

youngogjosh youngogjosh

Oscar > Bliss
Ronda talking about "fake" this and "bs" that...she breakin' the rules....which was a risk bringing her in...
that she would pull a temper tantrum and then not play nice afterward.

Go home and be a family woman Ronda...cause she doesn't seem all that happy wrestling...
except perhaps on payday...

Ronda can't take the heat

So to speak
First you say they're not in character then you say they're in character but the level is different...you are moving the gold posts

Becky smacked HHH in the mouth and assaulted Stephanie Marie McMahon Helmsley...that's a high level of intensity

She will be fined if she uses dirty words on TV so that's why she saves it for Twitter
Me saying the level is different is the same as me saying they are out of character; thought that was evident.

Also, Not sure how the posts became gold, but cool.
i honestly dont understand.

why sign someone for 13 years?

Sounds absurd to ya boy.

But i dont know anything about baseball really
They wanted to spend stupid money. Lol. Supposedly, we offered 45 for 4 years. He could’ve entered free agent market again at 30.
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