April Wrestling Thread/NTWT Weekend Edition/WM April 10th 2021

I'll fight anybody.....except my slime CleanestNdaCity CleanestNdaCity

Colt Cabana is one of the most overrated indie dudes ever. He was so hyped in the early and mid 00s and when I finally saw him, it was like watching a comedian completely bomb in their first showing.
Couldn’t agree more. I hate colt cabana. Dude is a poor mans santino in the ring. Totally tried to build off his podcast with punk. Think that’s the only reason why he’s still relevant in the indies. Dude is mad annoying.
Couldn’t agree more. I hate colt cabana. Dude is a poor mans santino in the ring. Totally tried to build off his podcast with punk. Think that’s the only reason why he’s still relevant in the indies. Dude is mad annoying.
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