April Wrestling Thread/NTWT Weekend Edition/WM April 10th 2021

This RAM wasn't sport entertaining.

Sup RAWberto
In that podcast from the wwe writer, he said that if they finish under time, they'll be like "quick! Do a backstage promo!" So I have no doubt that was improvised
In that podcast from the wwe writer, he said that if they finish under time, they'll be like "quick! Do a backstage promo!" So I have no doubt that was improvised
IT was definitely improvised and makes sense. Feel like IT is pretty tough to get the timing down perfectly. This one was REALLY bad though.
they overcooked the whole ronda/becky/charlotte buildup. could have just let it simmer, now it's just burnt
all parties ****** it up. from becky over tweeting and ronda responding. throwing charlotte in there at random segments. oh, and my personal fave, throwing mcmahons involved

ffs, just have brock close the show
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