April Wrestling Thread/NTWT Weekend Edition/WM April 10th 2021

I think it's for the better tbh. Let them finish their story in NXT

I read that Gargano and Ciampa was supposed to be a part of the Raw Tag titles match on Sunday. But if what I saw on Twitter from NXT tapings I think what happens tomorrow would offset that very much so they probably changed it. Which I think is better because I think for sure Takeover Brooklyn is those two again for the title and I can’t wait.
Manly Rose gonna botch something for sure
Joe winning his first title. :emoji_hugging:

Weeks of buildup...actually years with the Tough Enough callback for the Klandy Rose/Naomi feud and the have Klandy wash her like she's Blue Pants in 5 seconds on the go home show to a random PPV. :smh:
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